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Condition of Facial Skin by Non-invasive Measurement and Lipid.Moisture Type of the Facial Ski by Subjective Self-consciousness in Some Middle-aged Women
강수경, 류소연, 박종. (2005). 중년여성의 자각하는 유·수분 유형과 비침습적 방법으로 측정한 안면피부상태. 대한화장품학회지, 31(3), 279-283.복사
Kang, Soo-Kyung, Ryu, So-Yeon, Park, Jong. (2005). Condition of Facial Skin by Non-invasive Measurement and Lipid.Moisture Type of the Facial Ski by Subjective Self-consciousness in Some Middle-aged Women. Journal of the society of cosmetic scientists of korea, 31(3), 279-283.복사