
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 96

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 칼랑코에(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) ‘Discodip’ 의 출하 후 토양수분이 분화품질 및 수명에 미치는 형태적·생리적 영향을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 분화 토양수분 처리는 고습(80% 이상)과 저습(40% 이하)으로 하였고, 분화수명, 분 화수명 종료 증상과 형태적 요인인 지상부와 지하부 생체중 및 건물중, 개화된 꽃 수, 출하 시 대비 개화율을 조사하였고, 생리적 요인은 잎의 엽록소함량 및 엽록소형광(Fv/Fm), 기공크 기 변화율을 분석하였다. 분화수명은 토양 고습 처리구(28.3 일)가 토양 저습 처리구(27.4일)보다 0.9일 높았으나 유의차 는 없었다. 분화수명 종료시점인 출하 4주 후 지하부 생체중 과 건물중, 개화된 꽃 수, 출하 대비 개화율은 토양 고습 처리 구에서 저습 처리구보다 높았다. 잎의 엽록소함량 및 엽록소 형광, 기공크기 변화율은 출하 4주 후 토양 고습 처리구에서 저습 처리구보다 수치적으로 높았으나 유의차는 없었다. 따라 서 출하 후 토양 수분에 따라 분화 칼랑코에의 품질이 시간이 경과될수록 차이가 났으며, 토양수분이 칼랑코에의 분화 품질 에 미치는 중요한 요인이라는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Livestock production costs are heavily influenced by the cost of feed, The use of domestically grown forages is more desirable for livestock feed production. As part of this study, triticale, which is an extremely palatable and easily cultivable crop in Korea, was used to produce low moisture silage bales with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and then stored for different periods. We examined the nutrient content of silage, such as crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF), as well as their organic acids, including lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, at different storage periods. The nutrient content of silages, such as crude protein, ADF, and NDF, did not change significantly throughout storage periods. Organic acid data indicated that lactic acid concentrations increased with increasing moisture contents and storage periods up to nine months. However, further extending storage to 12 months resulted in a reduction in the lactic acid content of all silages as well as an increase in their pH. Based on the present results, it suggested that the production of low moisture silage with the LAB may be able to preserve and maintain its quality without altering its nutritional composition. Also, the lactate content of the silage remained significant for at least nine months.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기능성 건강식품으로 각광받고 있는 콩의 자급률을 올리기 위함이다. 콩의 함수율에 따른 극한강도를 측정하여 콩의 깨짐(파단) 부분을 파악하고 함수율에 따른 극한강도를 찾는 것을 목표로 한다. 현재 수확 과정중 발생하는 손실은 자연적 손실, 탈곡 과정 손실, 분류 과정 손실, 예취 과정 손실로 크게 4가지로 분류되며, 이중 탈곡 손실은 두류(콩)의 파손 및 손실율에 직접적인 요인으로 판단되여 다른 요인들에 비해 중요하다 판단되고 있다. 본 실험에서는 앞선 실험에서 부족했던 두류(콩)의 함수율 세부적인 단계로 나누어 실험하고, 생물체의 깨짐이 발생하는 하중을 직접적으로 측정하는 것을 목표로한다. 가수기간이 가장 긴 두류(콩)의 극한강도값이 3.9N으로 가장 낮게 측정되었으며, 가수기간을 거치지않 은 두류(콩)의 극한강도값이 5.244N으로 가장 높게 측정되었다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        꽃송이버섯은 우리나라에서 2000년대 초반부터 재배를 시작하였고, 국내에서는 전라북도농업기술원이 육성한 ‘너울’이 2016년에 최초로 등록되어 있다. 그러나, 꽃송이버섯에 대한 재배매뉴얼이 없어 여전히 농가마다 자실체 생산성의 차이가 큰 실정이다. 이에 꽃송이버섯 ‘너울’의 발이조건을 구명하고 안정생산 기술을 개발하고자 배지 pH, 배지함수율, 종균접종량 조건에 따른 연구를 수행한 결과, 재배일수, 수확률과 자실체 중량을 고려한 연중 병당 수 량은 pH 3.8 처리구가 363.6 g으로 가장 높게 나타났으나 pH 3.6 조건에서는 수량이 189.5 g으로 급감하는 점, pH 4.0 조건이 배양일수가 짧고 pH 3.8 조건과 비교하여 재배일수가 같으며, 자실체 중량 차이의 유의성이 인정되지 않는 점, 농가에서 활용 시 정밀한 pH 조절이 어려운 점을 고려하여 pH 3.9±1로 조절하여 재배해야 안정생산이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 아울러 배지함수율을 65%로 조절하고, 배지부피의 4%에 해당하는 액체종균을 접종 후 배양실 내 습도조건을 50% 이하로 설정하면 연중 병당 341.8 g을 생산할 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Water content causes a big problem in terms of the quality and economy of the asphalt plant. However, the current guidelines do not suggest specific rules other than roof installation. Therefore, this study proposes a water content management index, QM, and management flow chart by analyzing the water content variability of the stockpile and cold bin aggregates and suggests a guideline rule for improving water content management, including stockpile floor inclination via analysis of slope stability. METHODS : To analyze the variability of water content in the asphalt plant, stockpile and cold bin aggregate samples were collected from the asphalt plant over two years and a water content lab test was conducted via sieve analysis. In addition, domestic and foreign water content management guidelines were compared and the economic effect was analyzed according to water content DB analysis for the importance of water content management. The influence factors of water content variability were also analyzed. To apply the 3σ quality management technique for the development of the water content management index, QM, a water content management limit and procedure was proposed through the asphalt mix design. RESULTS : As a result of analyzing the water content variability, it was found that the water content of the stockpile fine aggregates should be intensively managed immediately after the rainy season and the QM index developed in this study should be 1 or more. In addition, as a result of the stability analysis according to the change in the stockpile floor inclination, it was found that the safety factor was lowered according to the slope angle and floor inclination. CONCLUSIONS : In the past, a passive method of preventing rainwater with a roof was used for water content management and ambiguous qualitative rules were suggested in the guidelines. In this study, a procedure for managing the water content of asphalt plant aggregates using the QM index, a quantitative stock floor inclination chart, and rules for improving water content management were presented for the quality control of asphalt plant aggregates.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to determine the effects of barrel temperature and moisture content on the physicochemical properties of texturized vegetable protein (TVP). The water absorption index, water solubility index, texture, integrity index, color, and scanning electron micrograph of the TVP were analyzed. The extrusion conditions consisted of barrel temperature (110, 130, and 150oC) and moisture content (40, 45, and 50%) at a fixed screw speed of 250 rpm. The TVP extruded at 150oC barrel temperature and bearing 50% moisture content had higher water absorption index and water solubility index. Elastic force, cohesiveness, and color differences were the highest in the TVP extruded at 150oC barrel temperature and possessing 40% moisture content. However, the TVP at 150oC barrel temperature and having 40% moisture content had a lower integrity index than the TVP carrying moisture contents of 45 and 50%. The structure of the TVP extruded at 150oC barrel temperature and having 40% moisture content was found similar to a chicken breast tissue’s structure. In conclusion, 150oC barrel temperature and 40% moisture content are optimal conditional characteristics for the texturization of soy protein isolate and gluten.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 4가지 환경요인에 따른 떡갈나무 유식물의 생육 반응 분석과 생태적 지위폭을 측정하였다. 환경요인은 광, 수분, 토성 그리고 유기물 함량이고 각각 4구배로 처리하였다. 광량이 많을수록 잎 무게, 지상부 무게, 지하부 무게 그리고 식물체 무게가 증가하였다. 수분함량처리구와 토성처리구에서 생육 반응은 차이가 없었다. 유기물 함량이 많을수록 지상부 무게가 증가하였지만, 나머지 형질의 생육 반응의 차이는 없었다. 생태적 지위폭은 광요인에서 0.865, 수분요인에서 0.995, 토성요인에서 0.994 그리고 유기물 함량 요인에서 0.988이었다. 생태학적 지위폭은 수분함량 처리구에서 가장 넓었고 광처리구에서 가장 좁았다. 이는 떡갈나무의 생육 반응이 광량의 양이 많을수록 생육이 좋고, 광에 민감함을 의미한다. 따라서 생육 반응과 생태적 지위폭을 결정짓는 것은 광 요인이다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hyaluronic acid is natural polysaccharide existing around skin or cartilage, and is known as a moisturizing factor. It is expected that hyaluronic acid cosmetics market will continue to grow in the future, as its use and demand increases, like medical supplies and health food besides cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid. However, There are few present studies on content in cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid. The purpose of this study was to evaluate satisfaction and examine what effect was produced on sebum and moisture in skin after applying to cosmetics the hyaluronic acid helpful in maintaining moisture in skin at 5%, 20% and 50% concentration. For 71 days, a clinical trial in a total 39 persons living in the national capital region was carried out. And sebum and moisture was measured through skin diagnosis system A-ONE TAB before trial and each day when clinical trial was conducted for hyaluronic acid content group. Besides, this study was to examine subjects' general characteristics, eating habits, and living habits, and satisfaction after the clinical trial. This study analyzed a difference according to the time to measure the skin condition among hyaluronic acid content groups by utilizing statistical package program SPSS v. 21.0 through data coding and data cleaning process. There was no statistically significant difference in hyaluronic acid content according to any of demographic characteristics, eating habits and living habits among groups (p>.05). With regard to hyaluronic acid content, there was no statistically significant difference in moisture and sebum prior to clinical trial in T zone and U zone among groups (p>.05). A change of moisture in T zone among groups according to hyaluronic acid content showed statistically significant difference in the 2nd week (F =3.636, p<.05). And the highest level was shown in 50%(44.15±2.672), being followed by 20%(43.15±2.340), and 5%(41.62±2.219). Accordingly, it was shown that, as hyaluronic acid content relatively increased, the moisture in T zone increased. In the results of analyzing the change of moisture in U zone, the change of sebum in T zone and U zone by group according to hyaluronic acid content, no statistically significant difference was shown in sebum level of T zone by group(p>.05). For analyzing the subjective satisfaction after clinical trial among groups according to hyaluronic acid content, satisfaction score was the highest in 'skin moistness' (4.38±0.650) for 5% group, 'skin moistness' (4.69±0.480) for 20% group and 'skin texture smoothness' (4.54±0.519) for 50% group. And no statistically significant difference was shown in each subjective satisfaction by group according to hyaluronic acid content(p>.05). It was thought that the results of skin condition and subjective satisfaction survey according to hyaluronic acid content would be baseline data for developing cosmetics containing the hyaluronic acid and marketing a skin moisturizer.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of temperature (150°C and 160°C) on physicochemical properties of extruded texturized vegetable protein with mealworm (0%, 15%) were studied. The extrusion process had a screw speed of 250 rpm, moisture content of 65%. The variation of formula was gluten content of 40% in 4 samples and none of gluten in 4 samples. As addition of mealworm increased and temperature increased, breaking strength and integrity index decreased, The nitrogen solubility index and protein digestibility increased as addition of mealworm increased and temperature decreased. DPPH radical scavenging activity significantly increased as addition of mealworm increased and temperature increased. On the contrary, the value of rancidity decreased as addition of mealworm increased even in 60 days. In conclusion, addition of mealworm became softer texture, and protein quality of the extruded texturized vegetable protein. The process promoting functionality such as improvement of antioxidant function was confirmed through this study. Also, adjusting temperature have an effect on protein content and antioxidation. The addition of gluten of 40% resulted in improving texture of TVP.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study was to determine the effects of moisture content and screw speed on the physical properties of high moisture meat analogue. Extrusion conditions were moisture content (65, 70%), screw speed (150, 200 rpm), a fixed barrel temperature (160℃), and feeder rate (100 g/min). Specific mechanical energy (SME) input decreased as moisture content increased from 65 to 70%. The high moisture meat analogue at 65% moisture content and 150 rpm had higher water absorption capacity, elasticity, cohesiveness, chewiness and cutting strength than those of high moisture meat analogue at 70% moisture content and 150 rpm. However, the high moisture meat analogue at 70% moisture content and screw speed 200 rpm had a lower integrity index, elasticity, cohesiveness, chewiness and cutting strength than those of high moisture meat analogue at 65% moisture content and 200 rpm. In conclusion, the tested physical properties of high moisture meat analogue were more affected by moisture content than screw speed.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구는 초분광 영상을 이용하여 오이 및 수박과 같은 박과 묘의 수분함량을 추정하기 위해 수행되었다. 오이와 수박 묘 샘플에 수분 스트레스를 가한 후 초분광 영상 취득 시스템을 이용하여 오이와 수박 묘 잎을 촬영하여 반사율을 계산하였고, 건조기를 이용하여 해당 모종의 수분함량을 측정하였다. 마지막으로 영상의 반사율과 수분함량을 이용하여 부분최소제곱회귀분석을 통해 수분함량 추정모델을 개발하였다. 오이 묘 수분함량 추 정모델은 R2 0.73, RMSE 1.45%, RE 1.58%의 성능을 보였으며, 수박 묘 수분함량 추정모델은 R2 0.66, RMSE 1.06%, RE 1.14%의 성능을 보였다. 유효범위를 넘어가는 극단치를 제거하여 모델의 성능을 다시 분석한 결과, 오이 모델의 경우 R2 0.79, RMSE 1.10%, RE 1.20으로 상승하였다. 오이와 수박 묘를 함께 분석하여 모델을 제작한 결과, R2 0.67, RMSE 1.26, RE 1.36으 로 분석되었다. 오이 모델이 수박 모델보다 비교적 높은 성능을 보였는데, 이러한 원인은 오이의 수분함량 변이가 넓게 분포되어 있었기 때문이라고 판단된다. 또한 데이터셋에서 유효범위를 넘어가는 극단치를 제거한 결과 오이 모델의 정확도 및 정밀도가 상승하였다. 결론적으로 오이 및 수박 묘 수분함량 추정모델들의 추정선의 기울기 차가 크지 않고, 서로 교차되기 때문에 두 모델 들은 모두 수분함량을 추정하는데 있어서 유의한 것으로 판단된다. 또한 샘플의 변수가 넓게 분포된 변이를 갖는다면 추정모델의 정확도와 정밀도는 분명 상승할 것이며, 개선된 모델을 이용하면 저가형 센서를 개발하는데 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        12월부터 3월까지 갈색날개매미충 알이 붙어 있는 블루베리나무와 복숭아나무의 가지를 전정한 후 가지의 마름정도와 갈색날개매미충 알 의 부화율을 조사하였다. 갈색날개매미충 알의 부화율은 블루베리와 복숭아 모두 1% 미만으로 정상적인 가지(52.8~68.4%)에 비해 부화율이 매 우 낮은 수준이었다. 부화시기에 전정가지의 함수율은 블루베리와 복숭아 각각 9.8~20.9%, 7.5~13.8%로 매우 낮았다. 즉 갈색날개매미충의 알 이 붙어 있는 가지를 전정할 경우 가지가 심하게 마르기 때문에 가지 속의 알도 건조해져서 정상적으로 부화하지 못하게 되는 것으로 나타났다.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study was to determine the effect of moisture contents (40, 50, 60%) and CO2 gas injection (0 and 800 mL/min) on physicochemical properties of extruded soy protein isolate (SPI). The expansion ratio and specific length at 40 and 50% moisture contents with CO2 gas injection increased while piece density decreased. On the contrary, the expansion ratio and specific length of extruded SPI at 60% moisture content with CO₂ gas injection decreased while piece density increased. Extruded SPI with CO2 gas injection had small cell size and higher amount of cell than extruded SPI without CO2 gas injection. The water holding capacity and nitrogen solubility index increased with CO2 gas injection increased while the integrity index and the springiness and cohesiveness decreased. In conclusion, extruded SPI with CO2 gas injection showed better expansion properties and cell formation than extruded SPI without CO2 gas injection.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of the study was to determine physiochemical properties of extruded fish feed at different barrel temperature (120, 130, and 140°C) and moisture content (35, 40, and 45%). As barrel temperature and moisture content increased, expansion ratio, water holding capacity, and water stability increased, while bulk density, hardness, and swelling ratio decreased. Soaking time had significant (P<0.05) effect on water stability. Best water stability was observed on all samples soaked for 1 h. Protein digestibility was not significantly different among the samples while protein digestibility of extruded fish feed significant higher than raw materials.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The world mushroom market is continuously expanding due to the improvement of production technology and the continuous increase of demand. Production and consumption of mushrooms are increasing in Korea and imports are increasing year by year. Most of the imported mushrooms are from China. The Lentinus edodes (shiitake mushroom) are in dry form, but Tricholoma matsutake (pine mushroom) and Sarcodon aspratus (Neungi mushroom) are imported in frozen form. It is suspected that frozen Tricholoma matsutake and Sarcodon aspratus are coated with water to increase the weight excessively. In this study, we compared the moisture content and drip% of Chinese and Korean frozen Tricholoma matsutake and Sarcodon aspratus to determine the presence or absence of water coating. The moisture content of frozen Tricholoma matsutake was highest in Yunnan (China) at 94.7%, followed by Tibetan (China) at 92.5%, Yanji (China) at 90.6% and Korea at 88.5%. The moisture content of frozen Sarcodon aspratus was 92.4% in China and 91.6% in Korea. The drip% of frozen Tricholoma matsutake was 23.1% in Tibetan (China), 22.1% in Yunnan (China), 14.5% in Yanji (China) and 11.7% in Korea. The amount of drip% of Korea and Chinese frozen Sarcodon aspratus was 20.8% and 22.7%, respectively. Moisture content and drip% of frozen Sarcodon aspratus were similar to those of Chinese and Korea. Frozen Tricholoma matsutake imported from China showed high moisture content and drip% than Korea ones. These results indicated that water coating is possible in frozen Tricholoma matsutake imported from China.
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