본 연구에서는 국내 아스팔트 도로 현장에서 발생한 동절기 도로융기 현상의 발생 원인을 현장 규명하고 동결융해 피해를 보수하고 자 현장조사, 현장 LFWD실험 및 포장 코어채취, 지하수위 측정, 기상데이터 및 설계자료 분석 등을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 동상 원인 분석은 추후 동결융해 피해 재발방지를 위한 적정한 보수보강공법을 선정하기 위해 수행하였다. 분석과정은 지하수위 상승에 의한 동 상피해 가능성, 동결깊이 과소설계에 의한 동결융해 가능성, 포장면 표면수 유입에 의한 동결융해 가능성, 도로 외측 비포장면을 통한 수분유입과 이에 의한 동결융해 가능성으로 조사하여 동상 원인을 파악하였다. 또한 현장에서 소형충격 재하시험 LFWD(Falling Weight Deflctometer)시험을 하여 포장의 구조적 지지력을 측정하여 얻은 처짐값을 통해 포장체 구조적 능력을 분석함과 동시에 도로융기와의 연관성을 파악하여 균열분석 결과를 함께 분석하고 보수방법을 제안하였다.
PURPOSES : In this study, an existing speed-controlled Marshall stability tester was systemized as an Internet of Things(IoT) system. The Marshall stability test data were transmitted to the cloud in real-time, and an IoT optional-controlled board capable of additional load and displacement control was proposed.
METHODS : The IoT systemization was built based on an improvement of an IoT height measuring system, the re-verification of standard samples for comparative analysis, and the development of a wireless IG-IoT board. The developed wireless Induk-GeoTS(IG)-IoT board was compared with existing commercial data logger using displacement- and load- calibration equipment. After the conformity of the developed wireless IoT board was established, a urethane standard sample was reproduced and verified using the recipe presented in a previous study to conduct a round-robin test. In addition, the adequacy of the speed, load, and displacement control tests for the optional-controlled characteristics was verified. the round-robin test for the Marshall stability and deformation strength and the comparative test of indirect tensile strength with the existing Marshall tester were performed using the re-verified standard sample.
RESULTS : The improved two-point IoT height measurement system reduced the average relative error by 2.11% relative to the one-point measurement. From the re-verification results of the regenerated urethane standard sample, it was suitable with relative error of 3.65% in the loading elastic modulus and 4.07% in the unloading elastic modulus, compared to the existing standard sample. From the comparative analysis of the developed wireless IG-IoT board and existing commercial data logger, it was confirmed that the wireless IoT board could be reliably used, based on the average relative error of the wireless IoT board, 0.64% and that of the data logger, 3.79% in terms of the displacement(flow value) and an average relative error of 0.78% for the wireless IoT board and 0.79% for the data logger in terms of the load(stability). By analyzing the optional-controlled characteristics, it was found that the Marshall stability speed control conditions were satisfied based on the error results, with an average relative value of 2.96% under deformation strength test condition of 30mm/min, 3.23% under the indirect tensile strength test condition of 50mm/min, and 2.6% under the Marshall stability test condition of 50.8mm/min. It was also found that proper control characteristics were obtained, with an average relative error of 0.72% within the experimental load range in the load control conditions, and an average relative error of 2.4% in the experimental displacement range in the displacement control conditions. The results from the round-robin Marshall stability and deformation strength testing to verify the applicability of the IoT optional-controlled board show that the data were reliable based on the 3σ quality control method. In addition, by comparing the results of the indirect tensile strength tests, the usability of the wireless IG-IoT board was verified, with an average relative error of 0.96%. CONCLUSIONS : The IoT height measuring system was improved, and a wireless IG-IoT board that can transmit test data to a cloud platform was developed. The usability of the developed wireless IoT board was verified by round-robin testing using a re-verified urethane specimen. The IG-IoT optional-controlled board extends the verified wireless IG-IoT board, it was developed and validated for not only the existing speed control, but also for load, and displacement control.
PURPOSES : Water content causes a big problem in terms of the quality and economy of the asphalt plant. However, the current guidelines do not suggest specific rules other than roof installation. Therefore, this study proposes a water content management index, QM, and management flow chart by analyzing the water content variability of the stockpile and cold bin aggregates and suggests a guideline rule for improving water content management, including stockpile floor inclination via analysis of slope stability.
METHODS : To analyze the variability of water content in the asphalt plant, stockpile and cold bin aggregate samples were collected from the asphalt plant over two years and a water content lab test was conducted via sieve analysis. In addition, domestic and foreign water content management guidelines were compared and the economic effect was analyzed according to water content DB analysis for the importance of water content management. The influence factors of water content variability were also analyzed. To apply the 3σ quality management technique for the development of the water content management index, QM, a water content management limit and procedure was proposed through the asphalt mix design.
RESULTS : As a result of analyzing the water content variability, it was found that the water content of the stockpile fine aggregates should be intensively managed immediately after the rainy season and the QM index developed in this study should be 1 or more. In addition, as a result of the stability analysis according to the change in the stockpile floor inclination, it was found that the safety factor was lowered according to the slope angle and floor inclination.
CONCLUSIONS : In the past, a passive method of preventing rainwater with a roof was used for water content management and ambiguous qualitative rules were suggested in the guidelines. In this study, a procedure for managing the water content of asphalt plant aggregates using the QM index, a quantitative stock floor inclination chart, and rules for improving water content management were presented for the quality control of asphalt plant aggregates.
PURPOSES : For the compaction control on the subgrade layer, dynamic cone penetration test (DCPT) is being applied to the Korea pavement subgrade construction guidelines. The existing equation in the Korean guidelines for estimating the resilient modulus, MR, from the DCPT test result penetration rate (PR), is a correlation developed from a small amount of data and does not consider the degree of compression. Therefore, this study attempts to propose an advanced MR-DCPT PR correlation through the correction of existing data and additional field tests.
METHODS : The in-situ DCPT tests were conducted according to the types of subgrade soils in the field. Thereafter, the existing guideline‘s data were collected and corrected with the degree of compaction, R.
RESULTS : In this study, the correlation coefficient is improved such that it is considerably higher than the existing equation using additional field data and converting the data used in the existing equation into data with over 95% degree of compaction.
CONCLUSIONS : Through verification, it was found that the relative errors of the proposed correlations in this study were reduced when compared with the existing equation.
PURPOSES : For compaction control on the subgrade layer, the simple and economical test DCPT (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test) is being applied to the Korea Pavement Design Guide. However, compaction control is now difficult and to conduct in the field and is not performed in practice because the compaction degree is evaluated via the field density test as a pretreatment step when the compaction management process is evaluated by DCPT at the same time. Therefore, this study tried to propose a method considering an evaluation for the compaction degree using DCPT, via laboratory tests and field tests.
METHODS: The in-situ DCPT tests were conducted according to the types of subgrade soils in the field. Afterward, the field density tests for the compaction degree (R) of field samples and the experiments using DCPT were performed simultaneously in a self-made test container in the lab.
RESULTS: Through the DCPT test, compaction degree evaluation from the correlations proposed in this study was determined to be possible. Additional field tests could verify the proposed correlations between compaction degree with DCPT PR on the subgrade.
CONCLUSIONS: For the evaluation of the subgrade compaction degree using dynamic CPT, the correlations between compaction degree and DCPT PR on the subgrade layer are proposed from laboratory tests and field tests using DCPT and field density tests.
PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to evaluate and improve the potential risk of road cave-ins due to subsurface cavities based on the deflection ratio measured with light falling weight deflectometer (LFWD) tests.
METHODS : A cavity database for Seoul was developed and sorted. LFWD tests based on the database were conducted on pavement sections with and without road cavities detected by ground-penetrating radar (GPR) tests; after excavating the area, the cavity sizes were measured. The deflection ratio was applied and analyzed by cavity management grade methods of Japan and Seoul.
RESULTS : The results of comparative analysis show that the deflection method can detect road cavities in areas of the narrow road (or in narrow areas of the road). The average deflection ratio of the cavity sections to the robust sections were 2.48 for high-risk cavities, 1.85 for medium-risk level cavities, and 1.49 for low-risk cavities. Risk levels in Japan and Seoul were reclassified according to the deflection ratios.
CONCLUSIONS : LFWD test results can be applied to verify and improve the subsurface cavity risk level by comparing maximum deflection and deflection ratio between cavity area and non-cavity area at the loading center. LFWD devices also have more advantages compared with larger NDT(Nondestructive test) because FWD and GPR encounter difficulties in traffic control and they could not get in a narrow roads.