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<흥부전>을 통하여 본 한·중 양국의 전통

The Comparison of Tradition between China and Korea through “Biography of Xing Fu”

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/268634
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
한중경제문화연구 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review)
한중경제문화학회 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural District Association)

Both Chinese culture and South Korean culture have a very long history. The two cultures share many things in common. Chinese characters and Confucianism had great influence on ancient Korean Peninsula in terms of national thought and social mental state as well as the development of its classical literature. When Korean was established at the very beginning, Confucianism had become the dominant thought. What is more, the introduction of Hsin-li Hsueh also had greater impact on Korean classical works. The Confucian thoughts of Loyalty, Righteousness, Chastity, and Piety were deeply rooted in Korean classical literature. The regulation of Hsin-li Hsueh had resulted in the appearance of the thought of “no sweet without sweat” and the theme of “punishing evil-doers and praising good-doers” as well as the frequent usage of Chinese allusion in Pansori novels. With the introduction of ancient Chinese literary works into Korea, literators in Korean Peninsula not only enjoyed all these works in terms of reading and referring, but also flexibly put all the overseas cultural genes into their literary production. Biography of Xing Fu was the typical one. The thesis is going to analyze the imago of swallow and cucurbit and ancient Chinese classical literary works in Pansori novels from the standpoint of cultural transmission and variation so as to interpret the deep root of Chinese element in Biography of Xing Fu, which will definitely provide a better understanding of this

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 제비의 문화적 의미와 기능
Ⅲ. 박의 민속적 상징성과 함의
Ⅳ. <흥부전>에서 나타난 중국 문학 및 사상
Ⅴ. 맺는 말
  • 劉涵涵(중국 산동사범대학교) | Liu, Hanhan