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내진설계되지 않은 벽식 아파트의 벽-슬래브 접합부 보강

Retrofitting of Seismic Resistance Capacity of Wall-Slab Joint in Non-Seismic Design Wall Type Structures.

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/268821
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
리모델링 연구소 (A Journal of the Seismic Retrofitting & Remodeling Research Center)
단국대학교 리모델링연구소 (Seismic Retrofitting & Remodeling Research Center)

Earthquake resistant design was introduced to Korea in 1988 for tall buildings, in 1992 for highway bridges and even earlier than that for nuclear power plants. The apartments designed by large unit housing planning was constructed by tunnel form method for the construction convenient in 1980. As a results, many structures without any seismic resistance capacity were built during the 80’s. In this paper, to improve the seismic capacity in wall-slab joint, experiments which improve and retrofit a seismic capacity by steel reinforcing, unequal angle bracing, carbon sheet attachment are carried out. These methods also are economic and simple in mitigating seismic hazard, improving earthquake-resistance performance, and reducing the risk level of building occupants. Consequently these methods were confirmed its effectiveness in improving the seismic performance were confirmed its effectiveness.

  • 노공기(단국대학교 건축공학과, 석사과정) | Roh, Gong-Ki 책임저자
  • 박태원(단국대학교 건축공학과, 박사수료) | Park, Tae-Won
  • 박현수(신흥대 건축설계과 부교수, 공학박사) | Park, Hyun-Soo
  • 정란(단국대학교 건축공학과 정교수, 공학박사) | Chung, Lan