The Structure and Educational Theory of The Ans' 'Family Precepts
본 硏究는 顔之推 지은 『顔氏家訓』의 構成과 敎育論을 살펴보았다. 顔之推가 魏晉南北朝의 혼란한 시대에 波瀾萬丈한 인생을 살면서도 이를 극복할 수 있었던 힘은 學問을 익힌 덕분이었다. 또한 벼슬살이도 가능케 하였다. 『顔氏家訓』은 第7卷 20篇으로 構成되어 있으며, 儒家의 대표적인 經典인 『論語』와는 體制의 形式이 같으며, 직간접의 引用이 많기에 영향력이 컸음을 짐작할 수 있다. 『顔氏家訓』속의 敎育 內容은 學問의 기초가 되는 文字의 正確한 이해와 現實性이 있는 것을 原則으로 하고 자신의 人格 完成을 통한 社會 敎化를 교육의 目的으로 삼았다. 子女 敎育으로 胎敎와 早期敎育을 중시하였고, 具體的인 家庭敎育의 方法으로는 身敎, 易子而敎, 公平의 항목을 제시하였다. 그리고 專門的이고 現實的인 實學敎育을 주장하였다.『顔氏家訓』이 갖는 意義는 歷史的인 資料의 가치로도 매우 중요한 의미를 가지나 중심은 家訓的인 요소이다. 그리고 中國에서 『顔氏家訓』의 광범위한 보급은 우리나라 家訓의 制定에도 영향을 끼쳐 많은 士大夫의 집안에서 家訓을 두어 자손들을 가르쳤다. 學問은 어려운 상황 속에서 더욱 必要함을 역설한 顔之推에게서 敎育의 참 모습을 찾을 수 있다.
This study is based on the structure and educational feature of The Ans' 'Family Precepts (顔氏家訓), written by An Ji Chu(顔之推). Although he lived an extremely hard life in disorder of Yui-Jin North and South Period(魏晉南北朝), he could lead an official life as well as overcome his sufferings thanks to his scholarship. The Ans' 'Family Precepts is composed of 7 volumes and 20 chapters. Its style is similar to that of The Analects of Confucius (論語), which is the representative scripture of Confucius, and had much influence on it directly and indirectly. The education contents of The Ans' 'Family Precepts aim at primarily exact understanding letters, which are the basic of learning, and teaching what is in reality. They also aim at social education through developing one's own personality. Prenatal care and early education are emphasized in bringing up children, and experiential learning, teaching other's child instead of his own one, impartiality are offered as concrete education methods. In addition, professional and practical science education is insisted. The Ans' 'Family Precepts is so meaningful because of a lot of value as historical data, but what is more significant is its educational value on family. Wide supply of The Ans' 'Family Precepts in China had great influence on establishing family precepts in Korea, accordingly many Korean aristocrats educated their sons with the family precepts. True education can be found in An Ji Chu, who pointed out the requirement of learning in spite of difficulties.