It is imperative to rethink the whole of formal and experiential learning in terms of interest-centered learning. We need to abandon the method of inculcation in favor of methods of elicitation. The self-knowledge that is the foundation of moral development for patriotism cannot be inculcated and it depends upon the pedagogy that emphasizes elicitation. Interest-centered learning should be the central principle of school education and social education for the morality of patriotism. We need to recognize the necessity to serve children’s native curiosity from the beginning, when children’s attitudes toward school and learning first start to take shape. The several educational proposals in this study coalesce the problems of acquiring self-knowledge for patriotism. Old principles mandated total control of classrooms by teachers and corresponding control of teachers by administrators. Curricula were designed in board rooms and administrative offices which is to say at a great remove from children in the classroom. In so doing, it eliminated the eliciting form of teaching that needs for moral development of patriotism and supports teaching as an inculcation measure. To employ a developmental model, the paramount question for a child is "what shall 1 receive", gut whit adolescence, the pressing question must become "What shall 1 do?". In this light, the exchange of a productive for recipient orientation should be quite evidently the aim of moral education for patriotism.