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영문법을 활용한 프랑스어 문법 교육

Education of French grammar via English grammar

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/272709
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,700원
외국어교육연구 (Foreign Language Education Research)
서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 (Foreign Language Education Research Institute)

The main goal of this study is to provide the educational contents of French grammar by means of English grammar. As one of their strong points, English has simplified the verbal and nominal inflections, but French has done the regular shape of its pronunciation. As a matter of course, they differ in the pronunciation, words, and expressions. Nevertheless, French and English have shared so many things through their history: their vocabulary and grammar on the Greco-Roman legacy have had mutual influences through Norman Conquest(1066) and the industrial revolution. So these two languages have grammatical common concepts, which are not at all: for example, the parts of speech, word order, modes, tense, passive voice, relative clauses, etc. There is not only grammatical similarity but also difference between these two languages. Basically, they have the word order SVO but French has the case SOV that contains clitic pronouns. They also show subtle disparities in the mood, the tense, the frame of verbal sub-categorization, the hiatus, etc. Though they broadly have common concepts of the article, its ordinary uses are not same. In the passive voice and the relative clauses, there is a little subtle distinction. But English grammar helps students to understand French grammar. In consequence, students who have knowledge of the former can easily acquaint the latter. Professors may lead students to reach to a higher level of French grammar by explaining common concepts and emphasizing different ones between these two languages

Ⅰ. 서론
II. 프랑스어와 영어의 역사적 관련성
III. 두 언어 사이의 상이성
 1. 어순과 관련한 차이
 2. 시제의 유사성과 상이성
 3. 관사의 종류와 용례 차이
 4. 접속법의 어려움
 5. 기타 문법적 상이성
IV. 결론을 대신하여
  • 김경석(충북대학교) | Kim, Kyung-Suk