French education in Korea: Past, present, and future
In an effort to invigorate French education in the 21st century, this study m와‘es a diachronic investigation into French education in Korea. In this study, we will t빼e a look at French education goals and French textbooks, including the changes that have taken place over the years. This study also investigates the problems of current French education and suggests some possible solutions. The problems in French education today include a decrease in the number of French leamers, the disparity between educational goals and reality, and the poor quality of the teachers. In response to these problems, this study proposes the following solutions: 1) smaller classes consisting of fifteen to twenty students, 2) the adoption of French listening-comprehension test in the college entrance ex없n, 3) the setting of realistic educational goals, and 4) the development of functional French - i.e. French for special purposes - based on leamer’ s need.