Production of ligninolytic enzymes by Pleurotus ostreatus No. 42 in various culture media
느타리 버섯 No. 42균주를 5가지 배지에서 연구한결과, 리그닌 분해효소인 Lac와 MnP는 생산되었으나 LiP는 생산되지 않았다. 실험한 본 균주의 경우리그닌 분해효소인 Lac와 MnP의 생산에 밀기울이관여하는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 액체배지에서는GPYW에서 Lac(2.4U/ml)와 MnP(3.6U/ml)가 최대생산됨을 알 수 있었으며 고체배지에서는 WMW에서 MnP(4.0U/ml)가 최대 생산되었으며 W에서는Lac(11.0U/ml)가 최대 생산되었다.
When No. 42 strain of Pleurotus ostreatus was cultivated at five different media, MnP and Lac but no LiP activity was detected throughout the culture period in the media. The production of MnP and Lac by No. 42 strain of Pleurotus ostreatus were correlated with wheat bran composition in the medium. In the liquid culture, maximum production of MnP and Lac were observed in the medium contained glucose-peptone- yeast-wheat bran(GPYW). However, in solid medium, maximum production of MnP was observed in wood meal-wheat bran(WMW) medium, but that of Lac was observed in wheat bran(W) medium.