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Determination of the tetrapolar mating types in Pleurotus ostreatus strain

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/276960
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한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

Single basidiospores were isolated from a Pleurotus ostreatus strain collected in Boryeong, Korea showing gray and semispherical in color and shape of pileus. Mycelial growth and several other characters were good to be a breeding material. Mating experiments were performed using 23 monokaryons to provide mating compatibility data. Pairings were performed in 90 mm petri dishes on PDA. They were allowed to grow at 25℃ until two fronts of the advancing mycelia met and developed a conspicuous contact zone. The contact zone and the outer edges of paired colonies on each plate were examined for clamp connections and the crosses were considered positive when clamp connections were found at the growing margin of either side of the interacting monokaryons. The collected strain resulted in tetrapolar incompatibility system in intrastrain crosses. Compatible matings could be visibly distinguished from incompatible ones by the rapid growth and gross morphology. The dikaryotic colony was also confirmed microscopically by the presence of clamp connections from incompatible pairings. The four classes of tester strains representing the four incompatibility types were chosen from intrastrain mating tests as expected. The mating tests with the tester strain were performed for the determination of the rest monokaryons. As a result of these tests it was found that the strain share the same A and B incompatibility factors showing tetrapolar incompatibility system.

  • Byung-Joo Lee(Crop Research Division, Chungcheongnamdo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea)
  • Mi-Ae Lee( Crop Research Division, Chungcheongnamdo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea) | Mi-Ae Lee
  • Yong-Gyun Kim( Crop Research Division, Chungcheongnamdo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea) | Yong-Gyun Kim
  • Yeul-Kyu Seong( Crop Research Division, Chungcheongnamdo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea) | Yeul-Kyu Seong
  • Yong-Pyo Lim( Department of Horticultural Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea) | Yong-Pyo Lim