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Yeats와 Keats의 시 비교 연구 - 여성신 추구를 중심으로 - KCI 등재

Yeats and Keats: Searching for the Goddess

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/277365
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,300원
The Yeats Journal of Korea (한국 예이츠 저널)
한국예이츠학회 (The Yeats Society of Korea)

There were so many similarities between Yeats's and Keats's poetry of the Goddess's poetic theme. They were eager to search for “Immortal Rose” or “Intellectual Beauty” as the Goddess; Keats said that “Beauty is truth, Truth Beauty󰠏󰠏that is all.” From this perspective, Yeats and Keats became pilgrims for the Goddess who is called Binah in Cabala. They wanted to be a Binah's priests in their works. They went on a pilgrimage of long and old mythological tales for “Immortal Rose”. For example, Yeats wrote “The Wandering of Oisin” where he wished to meet “Immortal Rose” as Goddess image. Oisin (as Yeats) went to the world of Ireland Goddess called to Tin-na-nOg (It means eternal Youth Country). As Yeats did, Keats searched for Cynthia (Goddess of the Moon) or Moneta as Saturn's priestess, too. During their pilgrimage, knowing goddess as the Mother of the universe, they were confronted with a tragic situation and continually agonized in their souls. They had to overcome the tragic boundaries between the Goddess of the Universe and themselves. The “Unity of Being” can be identified with ‘androgyny’ which is similar to God's trinity in gnostic thoughts. At last, Yeats and Keats saw the Goddess as their “Anti-selves”, and they achieved the “Unity of Being” through the long and uncomfortable journey. Yeats had a gnostic vision. His poetry owes much to a symbolism derived from the Rosicrucianism. His main idea of all works was attempting to meet the Goddess. Yeats believed in God's trinity(Man, women, son or daughter) and believed in the androgyny of God. From this concept of androgyny of God, a gnostic searched for the hidden God called Binah (Mother of God) as well as Saturn. It is Yeats's main idea that God is androgynous. This thought came from Christian Gnosticism based on the diagram of “Tree of Life” in Cabalah. Also, Keats's main idea of poetry was his searching for the lover who was also the Goddess. Even though Keats didn't write about Cabalism, he wrote that he wished to become a pagan while writing Endymion. Keats might suggest that pagan mean a gnostic. It was suggested that Yeats's and Keats's souls were triumphed by the action of Cuchulain and Hyperion. As Yeats described arriving in Byzantium, Keats's poetic career won the heaven which was the Goddess's bower. Although Keats's life was shorter than Yeats's and he had not written about Cabala, many similarities are discovered between them.

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