The Study on the View of Hangul Initiative and its Influence on Korean Literature
Hangul initiative has very important value and significance in the the history of literature in Korea. The reason is that with the appearance of Korean, its literature has opened up a new scene which is totally different from before, when "Chinese character" is used as a method to remark. While it has made great contributions to the development of literature but because it is the foreign language, it has limitations when Korean expressing their own thoughts and feelings which cannot be denied. Hangul overcomes this obstacle, for Korean are free to use their own words to express their ideas, which has opened the new chapter of Hangul literature. Especially when citizens but not only nobles began to grasp and use Hangul to express their own feelings, it is undoubtedly it is of great significance for the road to the popularization of Hangul literature. Changes on literature based on the popularity of Korean can not realize overnight. With the research on a series of Hangul works at the age of Hangul appearing, this paper aims to make observations on its influence and functions in the development of Hangul literature.
在韩国的文学史上, 韩文的创制具有极为重大的价值与意义。之所以这样说,是因为自韩文开始,韩国的文学史便翻开了与之前不同的崭新的一页。韩文出现之前, 作为标记手段所使用的“汉字”,虽然对于韩国的文学发展做出了巨大的贡献,但由 于其是外国的文字,韩国人在运用其表达自身的思想和感情时所面对的局限性也是无 法否认的。韩文克服了这一障碍,作为韩国人可以自由使用的自己的文字,掀开了韩 国文学的崭新篇章。特别是随着民众对于韩文的熟练掌握,贵族之外的普通百姓也逐 渐开始能够使用文字表达自身的情感,这也无疑对韩国文学的大众化之路具有极大的 意义。 然而,韩文的普及给文学带来的变化并不是一朝一夕就得到了实现的。本论文的 研究目的在于通过对韩文创制后所出现的一系列韩文作品的梳理和研究,来管窥韩文 创制对韩国文学发展的影响和作用。