Effect of Hanwoo Diets Containing Linseed on Plasma Cholesterol Levels of Humans to Beef Consumption and Change in n-6/n-3 Fatty Acid of Loin Fat
본 연구의 목적은 한우사료 내 아마씨앗의 급여가 등심 내 오메가 6와 3 지방산 비율(n-6/n-3) 감소효과 및 n-6/n-3 균형 한우고기를 섭취한 사람의 혈액 중 LDL-C 감소효과를 조사하는 것이었다. 단계별로 거세한우 20마리를 이용하여 대조군과 아마씨앗을 함유하는 n-3 처리구로 각각 10마리씩 나누어 완전임의 배치하였다. n-3 사료군은 대조군과 비교할 때 혈액 및 등심 내 n-6/n-3가 4:1이하로 감소하였으며 단일불포화지방산으로써 올레인산은 52.79%까지 증가하였다. 임상실험자의 70% 이상에서 나타난 균형 한우고기를 섭취한 그룹의 중성지방, 총콜레스테롤 및 LDL-C은 각각 25.35, 5.22, 17.59% 감소하였고 수입 쇠고기는 9.05, 8.21, 21.70% 증가하였으나 일반한우는 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 균형 한우고기를 섭취한 그룹의 HDL-C는 6.07% 증가하였으나 수입 쇠고기와 일반한우는 각각 14.46, 11.46% 감소하였다. 혈당은 균형 한우고기와 일반 한우고기가 각각 6.42, 11.82% 감소하였으나 수입 쇠고기는 15.19% 증가하였다.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect on lowering blood LDL-C in an adult human, by taking n-6/n-3 balanced Hanwoo beef and reducing n-6/n-3 in loin of Hanwoo beef. The randomized complete block design was used to conduct an experiment with a total of 20 castrated Hanwoo cattles, which were divided into two groups. Each group had 10 cattles, and the control group consisted of absence of linseed, while n-3 treatment group (n-3 group) had linseed. The results showed that n-6/n-3 in loin and blood was decreased to under 4:1 in n-3 group, while oleic acid as an monounsaturated fatty acid was increased by 52.79% compared to the control group. In above 70% of the clinical subjects who ate the balanced Hanwoo beef, the blood triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL-C were decreased by 25.35, 5.22, and 17.59%. However, in the subjects who ate the imported beef, and not the common Hanwoo beef, the same parameters were increased by 9.05, 8.21, and 21.70%, respectively. When the balanced Hanwoo beef were eaten, HDL-C were increased by 6.07% but the imported beef and common Hanwoo beef had those values decreased by 14.46 and 11.46%, respectively. The blood glucose was decreased by 6.42 and 11.82% in the subjects who ate balanced Hanwoo beef and common Hanwoo beef, respectively but the subjects who ate the imported beef had an increase by 15.19%.