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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

In East-Asia, before modern times, writings in several countries were written in Han Character. At that time, because the world of East-Asia belonged to Han Character and Classics cultural sphere, for the political, diplomatic and cultural communication naturally they needed Han Character writing. This Han Character writing were used around nobility. The middle ages was a society for nobility, thus language of ruling activity was mainly Han Character. As a result, the lower class was neglected from Han Character writing, the language of ruling class. Until 20th century the countries in East-Asia that wrote sentences in Han Character were China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and so on. Of course, although these countries used Han Character to write, each level, contents and historic process of Han Classics are different. But there was no difference in that they had used sentences in Han Character. From the beginning of 20 century, all of east-Asia countries writing pattern and education system going different own way. However, now in the each East-Asia country, Han character and subject (old classics with Han character) education is very important. Therefore, we need to do mutual recognition about language education in Asian sphere have Han Character in common being developed newly .Also, we need to recognize that not only Han Character vocabulary but also Han Classics have a connection and exchange studies about it. I hope in this symposium, we need to the chance to understand new relation sharing 'Han Character vocabulary' in Asian sphere. We can expect scientific development through trades of various learning and education methods or theory about Han Classics and Han Character in each country. So, I suggest as follows for this exchange. 1. Holding international conference on learning and teaching of Han Characters in Asian languages regularly. Annually or biennially, holding a symposium which have principles of own expense, attending 10 or so representing each countries. 2. Carrying out common study to develop. It is hard for the moment , building a database of basic data for each countries' formal change and sentence study and developing a database of Han Classics and Han Character 3. Concluding simple treaty about international exchange among the scholars who attended to conferences. That is, it is not only symposium but exchange between department and department or department and faculty. 4. Publishing international academic journal in AHCI level which represent Han Classics and Han Character education in Asian Han Character culture sphere. In this case, it is not around certain society in certain country but is around scholars and society in Asian sphere. Fifth, holding a conference in circulation system to open and manage the homepage concerned about this. In homepage, it will offer the contents about symposium, notice and results, collecting project, VOD service about key note lecture during symposium, links of each country's society and thesis services published at international academic journal and so on. These are can be hard for the moment, if we push ahead actively, we can do them. Just, it is important we share what recognition for ourselves. Without forming a bond of sympathy, international can be stopped at one-off event. Therefore I suggest exchange with the suggestions . Of course we can't accomplish all of them at once. It can be desirable that we expects gradual development by starting from the part of them. Finally, study and exchange through this symposium doesn't stop at self-contentment but is for the development of Asia for future and peaceful bonds.

  • SONG Pyung Nyul(Yeung Nam University) | 宋秉烈