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A Discussion on CSL (Chinese as a Second Language) Literary Activities with Task-based Teaching Method: A Case of a Digital Classroom Environment

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279315
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

When discussing about CSL literary activities, most researchers focus on paper materials and theories of second or foreign language teaching are rarely applied. In order to go beyond the limitations, in this study we would like to explore the literary teaching activities when combining the digital materials and task-basking teaching method in the CSL classroom. One CSL teacher and 6 German students are invited to participate in this study. After the practice of CSL curriculum with digital materials and task-based teaching method, two results are found. First, in terms of task-based teaching method the CSL teacher spent more time on explaining than on doing and evaluating the language tasks. Second, with regard to difficulty, the CSL teacher would choose to lecture the class and skip the literary and discussion activities if the contents of digital materials were difficult. Therefore, we conclude that the CSL digital materials can provide students more literary opportunities; however, the CSL teacher may not change his/her teaching method and literary activities because of the use of digital materials.

過去在探討華語讀寫活動時,多半是以傳統的紙本教材為文本,且鮮少架構在第二語言或是外語教學法理論之下。為突破以上限制,在此研究裡,我們想探討的是,當數位教材與任務型教學法相結合之後,華語課室會產生哪些讀寫教學現象。研究參與者包括1 位華語教師及6 位德籍學生,在經過7 週的華語數位教材及任務型教學法課程實證之後,我們有以下發現:首先,在任務型教學法上,華語老師講解語言任務的時間遠多於執行及評估任務;再者,在難度意識上,若數位教材的難度高,則華語老師的教學會以講授為主,且略去讀寫及討論方面的活動。因此,我們認為華語數位教材能為學生帶來更多的讀寫選擇性,但教師的教學法與讀寫活動選擇未必會因數位教材而改變。

  • 鍾鎮城(高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所助理教授) | Chen-Cheng Chun
  • 陳欣蓉(高雄第一科技大學德語系教授) | Shing-Lung Chen
  • 許雅雯(高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所研究助理) | Ya-Wen Hsu