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  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279358
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

Shang-Chou JinwenZiliaoTongjiancollected 40 bronze artifacts, which comprises some handed down for generations, some ones were unearthed. These bronze objects were found from Guangshan County, Luoshan County, Xinyang County of Henan Province; Sui County, Jingshan County of Hubei Province; Yishui County of Shandong Province. We analysed 553 characters, which include 87 different characters. We described Bronze Characters of Huang State’s own difference in different historical period. We also compared the characters we collected with its counterpart in Chu,Zhong Yuan, Qi, WuYue, Yan and Jin cultural circles, we concluded their Regional characteristics. Furthermore, We explained the historical and cultural significance of Huang State’s Bronze characters.

《商周金文资料通鉴》收录的黄国有铭青铜器共40 件。它们既有传世的,也有出土的。出土地点包括河南省光山县、罗山县、信阳县;湖北随县、京山县;山东沂水县等。通过对现存553 个黄国金文字形、87 个不重复单字的分析,笔者描写了黄国文字在不同历史时期的特点。通过比对黄国金文和楚、中原、齐系、吴越、晋国等其他地区金文,我们归纳了黄国金文的地域特征。同时,本文联系文献典籍,在分析黄国金文的基础上,阐释了黄国金文的历史文化意义。

  • 罗卫东(北京语言大学)