A consideration for Use and category of Chinese Character in themodern Chinese Character-culture round
현대한자문화권의 문자사용과 한자의 범주에 관한 일고
1. 緖論 漢字文化圈에서‘漢字學’을硏究하거나‘漢字·漢文’敎育을硏究하고자할때에무엇보다도먼저解決해야할것은‘漢字·漢文’의範圍를決定하는일이다. 다루어야할對象의範疇가分明치않으면여러가지問題가發生할수있기때문이다. 이에本發表는東아시아의漢字文化圈의再編成에따른‘漢字의範疇’를定義하고자한다. 2. 東아시아의近代, 文語共同體의解體中世東아시아의여러나라는漢字를普遍的文字로使用해왔다. 內部的으로國家의管理와經營에必要한大部分의文書管理를漢字를使用한漢文으로表現하고使用하였다. 이에따라漢文은多樣한漢文의文體를使用하였다. 19~20世紀들어서면서漢字를爲主로한文語의使用에問題가생겼다. 東아시아의 漢字를媒介로한文語體制에分裂이생긴것이다.中國은淸末부터文字改革을通하여文言文을解體하고簡化字의使用을통해서傳統의漢字인繁體字에變化를주었고, 白話文의定着을通해서言文一致를實現하였다. 日本은메이지時代때부터國字文字와言文一致의問題를提出한다. 특히‘國家儀式’의成立과함께國語의槪念을成立시키고, 오늘날의仮名(가나) 政策을確定한다. 韓國은 1894년이후漢文의文體를버리고, 國漢文體를거쳐서國文體를成立하고끊임없는 한글政策을통해서한글專用을政策的으로成功시킨다. 이로써 19世紀末에시작된東아시아의漢字를媒介로한文語共同體는 20世紀들어서解體된다. 그러나이러한文語共同體는解體되었지만, 近代東아시아言語의語彙政策은西歐의學問을漢字語彙로飜譯해냄으로써새로운東아시아의漢字語彙의普遍性이成立되었다. 3. 現代東아시아의漢字의使用과範圍現代東아시아漢字의使用은中世때와달리多樣한現象을보인다. 中世의漢文은楷書를바탕으로쓰였지만, 앞장에서밝혔듯이近代들어서면서各國의文字政策으로因해서새로운漢字들이增加하였다.中國은一部의漢字를簡體字로使用하고있다. 日本은一部의漢字를略字로使用하고있다. 韓國은한글專用政策을쓰고있지만, 基本的으로繁體字를使用하고있다. 臺灣은繁體字를使用하고있다. 20世紀後半東아시아國家가政治的으로分裂되어있을때에는自身들의文字政策만觀心을가지면되었다. 그러나지금 21世紀東아시아交流가매우頻繁하고緊密한때를맞아서漢字는다시個別國家의文字로볼것이아니다. 東아시아의觀點에서 바라보면漢字의範圍는상당히달라진다. 오늘날使用하는基本的인語彙를爲主로使用하는漢字의數가傳統的인漢文의文章에서使用되었던漢字의數나範圍보다는작다고할수있다. 이는個別國家의觀點에서그렇게볼수있다. 그러나同一한漢字를對象으로‘繁體字, 簡化字(簡體字), 略字’等이存在한다면그範圍가減少한것이아니라,오히려늘어난것이된다. 즉, 東아시아인들이相互間文書또는漢字表記가된言語들을視覺的으로接할때에는본디漢字에簡化字, 略字까지包含을하면그수가늘어난다는것이다. 一般的으로쓰이는漢字 2,655자를가지고韓國, 中國,日本의漢字를比較했을때, 中國簡體字는 2,655字中에서 1005字(37.9%)이었으며, 日本의略字는 235字(8.9%)이었다. 따라서個別國家의경우에는關係가없지만, 簡體字나略字는繁體字의또다른異體字가될수밖에없으며, 簡體字나略字 를사용하는사람의처지에서보면그에해당하는繁體字가또다른異體字 가될수밖에없다. 즉, 東아시아적觀點에서보면近代에簡體字나 略字의 制定은 곧 異體字의增加로이어졌다는事實이다. 결국現代東아시아의漢字는各國의漢字에다른나라에서使用하는 繁體字와 簡化字, 略字 등이異體字로存在한다는것이다. 즉, ‘東아시아國家의漢字 = 自國의漢字 + 異體字’라는公式이成立되는것이다. 이러한公式이보여주는바는앞으로東아시아에서漢字에대한새로운政策의試圖는곧漢字의增加로이어진다는事實이다. 4. 結論 繁體字와簡體字, 略字의相互關係를살펴보면一部의漢字를除外하고는大部分은 字形이類似 하거나一部劃數의多少차이를 보여줄 뿐이다. 따라서東아시아交流的인側面에서繁體字, 簡化字略字모두겹치는일부漢字에대해서는相互比較學習할수있도록배려가필요하다.
1. Introduction : When study for 'Chinese Classics' or 'Chinese character and Chinese Classics Education' is done in Chinese Character-culture round, deciding a range of 'Chinese Character ⋅Chinese Classics' is the first thing to be settled. It because, if the category of subject to deal with is not sure, there can be various problems. Hence, this presentation is to define 'category of Chinese Character' following reorganization of Chinese Character-culture round in East Asia. 2. Modern times in East Asia, dissolution of Written language community : Many countries in medieval East Asia had been used Chinese Character as a commonletter. They used Chinese phrases written in Chinese Character to managemost documents that were needed for the internal management andadministration of country. Therefore, there were various styles of Chinesephrases that are similar to modern style. Entering the 19th ~ 20th century,some problems came up in the use of written language based on ChineseCharacter. And it leads to the split of the written language system based onChinese Character in East Asia. Since the end of Chin age, China has dissolvedwritten language(文言文) through the Chinese Character reformation, has madea change for traditional Chinese Character, 'Fantizi( 繁体字) by usingJianhuazi(簡化字) and has come true the unity of speech and writing by thesettlement of Baihuawen(白話文). Japan suggested the subject about the unityof speech and writing in the age of Meiji. Especially Japan ruled theconception of first language establishing the national consciousness. And finally,confirms the policy of today's Gana. Korea threw away the Chinese 1. Introduction : When study for 'Chinese Classics' or 'Chinese character and Chinese Classics Education' is done in Chinese Character-culture round, deciding a range of 'Chinese Character ⋅Chinese Classics' is the first thing to be settled. It because, if the category of subject to deal with is not sure, there can be various problems. Hence, this presentation is to define 'category of Chinese Character' following reorganization of Chinese Character-culture round in East Asia. 2. Modern times in East Asia, dissolution of Written language community : Many countries in medieval East Asia had been used Chinese Character as a commonletter. They used Chinese phrases written in Chinese Character to managemost documents that were needed for the internal management andadministration of country. Therefore, there were various styles of Chinesephrases that are similar to modern style. Entering the 19th ~ 20th century,some problems came up in the use of written language based on ChineseCharacter. And it leads to the split of the written language system based on Chinese Character in East Asia. Since the end of Chin age, China has dissolvedwritten language(文言文) through the Chinese Character reformation, has madea change for traditional Chinese Character, 'Fantizi( 繁体字) by usingJianhuazi(簡化字) and has come true the unity of speech and writing by thesettlement of Baihuawen(白話文). Japan suggested the subject about the unityof speech and writing in the age of Meiji. Especially Japan ruled theconception of first language establishing the national consciousness. And finally,confirms the policy of today's Gana. Korea threw away the Chinese Therefore, though it has no relation in the terms of each country,Jianhuazi(簡化字) and Simplified Characters cannot but be another variation andfrom viewpoint of people using Jianhuazi(簡化字) and Simplified Character, Fantizi is the another variation of the two. For this, it is the fact that modern regulation of Jianhuazi(簡 化字) and Simplified Character connected to the increase of the variations in the terms of whole East Asia. As a result , Chinese Character in the contemporary East Asia exits as various forms such as Fantizi, Jianhuazi(簡化字) and Simplified Character. Hence, ' East Asian countries' Chinese Character= Own Character + Variations' can be a formula. This formula show the fact that attempt for new Chinese Character policy in EastAsia leads to the increase of Chinese Character. 4. Conclusion : Considering correlation among Fantizi, Jianhuazi( 簡化字) andSimplified Character, it only indicates similarities of form or differences in somestrokes. Therefore, for the aspect of East Asian exchange, it needs to have someregards for studying in the way of comparing parts of Chinese Charactersoverlapped in all characters.