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실직국의 역사적 위상

Historical Status of Shiljikguk

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279541
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,400원
이사부와 동해 (The Review of Isabu and East Sea)
한국이사부학회 (The korean isabu society)

실직국에 대한 기록은 ��三國史記󰡕新羅本紀 婆娑尼師今 23년조에 등장한다. 이후 실직국은 단편적인 기록과 지명에 그 흔적이 남아 있을 뿐 더 이상 상세한 기록은 찾을 수 없다. ��삼국사기󰡕초기기록은 신뢰성을 의심받고 있으므로 실직국과 관련기록 역시 그대로 신뢰하기는 어렵다. 다만 실직국 관련 기록이 상당한 기간에 걸쳐서 일어났던 사건을 압축하여 정리하였을 가능성은 높다. 여기에서는 파사니사금 23년조의 기록을 이 같은 입장에서 분석하여 실직국의 정체와 역사적 위상을 파악해 보고자 하였다. 현재까지 영동지역의 고고학 자료를 살펴보면 신라가 동해안 일대로 진출하기 이전부터 동해안을 통한 교역과 교류는 분명히 존재하고 있었다. 특히 4세기 이후 영남일대에서 급증하는 북방계 문물은 동해안을 통한 교류를 상상하지 않고는 이해하기 곤란하다. 신라가 영동지역에 진출하기 이전에는 동해안의 어느 소국이 동해안 연안해로를 장악하고 있었던 것으로 보인다. 그 소국이 바로 실직국으로 추정된다. 사로국이 실직국을 병합하였다는 기록은 3세기 후반경 실직국이 가지고 있었던 동해안 해상권을 차지하였다는 의미로 파악된다. 실직국이 영동지방에서 유력한 해상세력으로 등장하게 된 배경에는 실직국의 지리적 위치가 큰 영향을 미쳤던 것으로 보인다. 실직국의 중심지였던 삼척일대는 영동지역에서 기항지로서의 조건이 가장 좋은 곳이었다. 실직국은 이를 바탕으로 동해안 연안해로의 교역을 중계하면서 유력한 해상세력으로 등장하였던 것으로 보인다.

The record about Shiljikguk appears in the Article the 23rd year of Pasa Isageum (Pasa of Shilla), Shilla Bongi, ��Samguk Sagi (History of the Three Kingdoms)��. Afterwards, only fragmentary records and names of certain places show the trace of Shiljikguk and no other specific record is found about Shiljikguk. As the reliability of the original record of ��Samguk Sagi�� is in doubt, thus its record related to Shiljikguk cannot be trusted as it is. However, it is highly possible that the records concerning Shiljikguk are compressed version of events that occurred for a long period of time. Based on such perspectives, this study attempts to investigate the identity and historical status of Shiljikguk by examining the records of Pasa Isageum. Based on archaeological data of Yeongdong area up to date, trade and exchange through the eastern coast of Korea clearly existed even before Shilla entered the area of the eastern coast of Korea. In particular, it is difficult to understand the rapid increase of northern race culture in Yeongnam area after 4th century without imagining the exchange through the eastern coast. It appears that a certain small country of the eastern coast had taken control of sea paths of the eastern coast before Shilla entered the Yeongdong area. And it is assumed that this small country is Shiljikguk. The record showing that Saroguk annexed Shiljikguk seems to signify that Saroguk seized the maritime power that Shiljikguk had around the end of 3rd century. The geographical location of Shiljikguk appears to have had an important influence on Shiljikguk becoming the strong maritime power in Yeongdong area. The area of Samcheok, which was the center of Shiljikguk, had the best condition as a port of call. Based on this fact, Shiljikguk seems to have become the strong maritime power by intermediating the commerce around sea paths on the eastern coast of Korea. However, the natural character or status of Shiljikguk is not evident in literature. The records showing that there was no commander in the Article of Ye, Dong-i, ��Samgukji (Romance of Three Kingdoms)��, it is unlikely that Shiljikguk was a political group with commander until the end of 3rd century. Instead, it is highly possible that it consisted of a group similar to collective settlements alliance with maritime power. Even the archaeological evidences up to date are not sufficient to resolve these issues. Nevertheless, with future archaeological evidences, it would be possible to better understand the identity of Shiljikguk. However, maritme commerce and developments as well as use of sea paths around the eastern coast of Korea seem to have been possible because of the existence of Shiljikguk. The maritime power of Shiljikguk was directly absorbed into Shilla and this became the bridgehead for entering in the basin of Hangang River in order to seize the sea paths of the western coast. At this point, the historical status of Shiljikguk should be assessed highly.

Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 실직국 관련 기록의 검토
 Ⅲ. 실직국의 성장 배경
 Ⅳ. 실직국의 구조와 범위
 Ⅴ. 맺 는 말
  • 서영일(한백문화재연구원 원장) | Seo, Young-Il