For successful embryo implantation, the communication of the maternal endometrium with the conceptus trophec-toderm is required essentially. In pigs, conceptuses undergo morphological change in length to enlarge the physical contact area with the maternal endometrium and secrete estrogen to induce the maternal recognition of pregnancy during the peri-implantation period. Conceptus-derived estrogen prevents luteolysis by conversion in direction of PGF2α secretion from the uterine vasculature to the uterine lumen as well as it affects on expression of the uterine endo-metrial genes. In addition to estrogen, conceptuses release various signaling molecules, including cytokines, growth factors, and proteases, and, in response to these signaling molecules, the maternal uterine endometrium also syn-thesizes many signaling molecules, including hormones, cytokines, growth factors, lipid molecules, and utilizes ions such as calcium ion by calcium regulatory molecules. These reciprocal interactions of the conceptus trophectoderm with the maternal uterine endometrium make development and successful implantation of embryos possible. Thus, signaling molecules at the maternal-conceptus interface may play an important role in the implantation process. This review summarized syntheses and functions of signaling molecules at the maternal-conceptus interface to further understand mechanisms of the embryo implantation process in pigs.