The swine is one of the most widespread mammalian throughout the whole world. Presently, many studies concer-ning microsatellites in swine, especially domestic pigs, have been carried out in order to investigate general diversity patterns among either populations or breeds. Until now, a lot of time and effort spend into a single PCR method. But simple and more rapid multiplex PCR methods have been developed. The purpose of this study is to develop a robust set of microsatellites markers (MS marker) for traceability and individual identification. Using multiplex-PCR method with 23 MS marker divided 2 set, various alleles occurring to 5 swine breed (Berkshire, Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc and Korea native pig) used markers to determine allele frequency and heterozygosity. MS marker found 4 alle-les at SW403, S0227, SWR414, SW1041 and SW1377. The most were found 10 alleles at SW1920. Heterozygosity represented the lowest value of 0.102 at SWR414 and highest value of 0.861 at SW1920. So, it was recognized appro-priate allele frequency for individual identification in swine. Using multiplex-PCR method, MS markers used to determine individual identification biomarker and breed-specific marker for faster, more accurate and lower analysis cost. Based on this result, a scientific basis was established to the existing pedigree data by applying genetics additio-nally. Swine traceability is expected to be very useful system and be conducted nationwide in future.