1. 가뭄저항성 작물의 내건성 검정 및 위해성 평가에 활용하고자 가뭄모의시설을 구축하였다.2. 선행연구조사를 통해 가뭄모의시설은 토양으로 유출입되는 물을 조절할 수 있는 토양저장부와 강우 센서의 감지에 의해 자동으로 개폐가 되는 비가림막으로 구성하였다. 3. 시설은 적정관수구와 가뭄처리구로 나누어 식물체의 재배실험을 수행하였으며, 각 처리구의 토양수분함량의 변화와식물체의 표현형질의 분석을 통해 본 시설이 가뭄환경의 조성을 용이하게 조절함을 확인하였다.
We designed and constructed a drought-simulation facility for use in producing drought-tolerant transgenic crops and assessing their associated risks. This facility consists of soil storage contain-ers and rainout shelters. Each container is equipped with an efficient drainage system so that properdrought conditions can be maintained by controlling water flow to and from the soil. The polyvinyl roofand sidewalls close automatically during rain events to exclude rainfall from plots within the containersbut re-open under dry conditions. Water is supplied via sub-surface drip irrigation. The soil water con-tent is monitored at 30-min intervals by sensors installed at depths of 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm. For testing itsperformance, the field within the facility was divided into two systems, well-watered and water-deficit.Three cultivars of rice were grown. During the experiment, the soil water content was relatively lower inthe water-deficit system. Regardless of cultivar, the mean values for plant height; panicle length; grainnumber, weight, and width; 1000-grain weight; and overall yield were significantly lower in that systemwhen compared with those parameters in the well-watered system.