부산, 경남 지역의 8개 친환경농산물인증 지역에서 카드뮴, 구리, 비소, 수은, 납, 6가크롬, 아연, 니켈 등 8개 중금속의 토양 함량을 조사하였다. 카드뮴은 그 햠량의 순으로 보면 산청, 하동, 사천, 부산순으로 함량이 높았으며, 구리는 김해, 사천, 부산, 고성 순으로, 비소는 사천, 부산, 김해, 고성 순으로, 수은은 고성, 사천, 부산, 김해 순으로, 납은 김해, 사천, 고성, 부산 순으로, 6가크롬은 김해, 부산, 하동, 산청 순으로, 아연은 김해, 부산, 사천, 함양 순으로, 니켈은 사천, 하동, 고성, 산청 순으로 각각 함양이 많았다. 전체적인 함량을 보았을 경우 김해, 사천, 부산 등 낙동강 주변의 평야지대에서 높은 수치를 보였다. 한편 하동, 진주 산청 등 중산간지에서는 전체 중금속 함량이 대체로 낮았다.
This research was conducted to investigate the concentration of 8 heavy metals that included Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ni in certified environmentally-friendly cultivated soil in Gyeongsangnam-Do and Busan-City. Cd concentration was highest in soil from Sancheong followed by Hadong, Sacheon, and Busan. Cu concentration was highest in Kimhae followed by Sacheon, Busan, and Goseong. As was highest in Sacheon followed by Busan, Gimhae, and Goseong. Hg was highest in Goseong followed by Sacheon, Busan, and Gimhae. Pb was highest in Gimhae followed by Sacheon, Goseong, and Busan. Cr was highest in Gimhae followed by Busan, Hadong, and Sancheong. Zn was highest in Gimhae followed by Busan, Sacheon, and Hamyang. Ni was highest in Sacheon followed by Sacheon, Hadong, Gosong, and Sancheong. The total amount of heavy metals was highest in Gimhae followed by Sacheon, and Busan, which are plain areas near Nakdong-River, while it was generally lower in Hadong, Jinju, Sancheong that are located in mid-mountains area.