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당도가 높고 도복에 강한 노란 단옥수수 ‘고당옥’ KCI 등재

A Yellow Sweet Corn Hybrid with High Sugar Content and Lodging Tolerance, ‘Godangok’

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283061
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한국육종학회지 (Korea Journal of Breeding Science)
한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

고당옥은 2011년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 개발한 단교잡종 단옥수수로 이삭의 색깔은 노란색이며 자식계통KSE5를 종자친으로 하고 KSE19를 화분친으로 한다. 고당옥의 출사일수는 표준품종(단옥3호)보다 3일 정도 늦었고 고당옥의 이삭길이는 17.6 cm, 이삭직경은 4.4 cm였으며 착립장률은 87.1%로 표준품종과 유사하였다. 그러나 당도는 24.3 °Bx로 표준품종 14.1 °Bx보다 높았고 내도복성도 표준품종보다 우수하였다. 2009년부터 2011년까지 지역적응시험에서 고당옥의 단위면적당 이삭수와 이삭중은 표준품종과 유사하였으며 채종시험결과 종자친과 화분친간 개화기가 잘 일치하였다.

A single cross hybrid, ‘Godangok’, is a yellow sweet corn developed by the maize breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) in 2011. This hybrid was produced by crossing between KSE5 and KSE19. KSE5 is a seed parent and KSE19 is a pollen parent of Godangok. Days to silking of Godangok was 3 days later than Danok 3, a check hybrid. Ear length and diameter of Godangok were 17.6 cm and 4.4 cm, respectively. The ratio of kernel set length to ear length was 87.1%. These characteristics of ear were similar to those of the check hybrid. However, the Degree Brix was 24.3 °Bx, higher than the check hybrid, 14.1 °Bx. Lodging tolerance of Godangok was better than the check hybrid. The number and weight of fresh ear of Godangok were similar to those of the check hybrid in regional yield trials (RYT) from 2009 to 2011. Seed production of this hybrid is good due to good match between the seed and pollen parent. It is adaptable to the whole country. Plant variety protection right of ‘Godangok’ was registered in July 2014, and its grant number is 5094.

 서 언
 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰
  주요 생육 및 품질관련 특성
  병충해 및 내재해성
  적응지역 및 재배상 유의점
 적 요
 사 사
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