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M&S기반 무기체계개발에서 시스템 안전요건 반영을 통한 VV&A 프로세스 개선에 관한 연구 KCI 등재후보

On Improving the Verification, Validation and Accreditation Process by Including Safety Requirements in M&S-Based Development of Weapon Systems

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284728
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

Modern weapon systems are getting more complex in terms of the functionality and also the conditions on the environment and range in which they are deployed and used. Therefore, many development programs can easily be exposed to a variety of risks, resulting in delayed schedules and cost overrun. As such, effective means are necessary to keep the defence budget at an affordable level while competitive edges on technological aspects are retained. As one way to meet those need, modeling and simulation (M&S) methods have widely been used, particularly in the test and evaluation (T&E) process for weapon systems development. The result of M&S-based systems development should be evaluated by the verification, validation & accreditation (VV&A) process to assure keeping reliability at a desired level. On the other hand, due to the explosiveness, the weapons systems development naturally requires to consider safety issues in both the T&E and operational periods. The purpose of this paper is to improve the VV&A process by reflecting the safety requirements therein. To do so, the VV&A process has been analyzed and graphically modeled first and then safety elements have been incorporated effectively. The use of the improved process in the war ships development has also been discussed. Based on the process proposed and the consequent database constructed, the target system can be expected to benefit from reducing development risks while assuring systems safety.

 1. 서 론
 2. 문제의 정의
  2.1 M&S기반 무기체계 개발에서 VV&A의적용 배경 및 절차
  2.2 무기체계 시험평가 프로세스와 M&S기반VV&A 프로세스간의 연계성
  2.3 무기체계 개발에서 M&S기반 VV&A의위험관리 및 안전성 향상의 필요성
 3. 시스템 안전요건 반영을 통한 M&S기반 VV&A 개선 모델 개발
  3.1 M&S기반 무기체계 개발에서 VV&A 프로세스 분석
  3.2 VV&A 프로세스의 시스템개발 위험 완화 및 시스템 안전요건 반영을 통한 인터페이스 정의
  3.3 시스템 안전요건 반영을 통한 M&S기반VV&A 개선 모델의 구축
 4. 개선된 M&S기반 VV&A 모델의 무기체계 시스템 적용에 대한 검증
  4.1 무기체계 시스템의 특징 및 범위
  4.2 무기체계 시스템의 적용 결과
 5. 결 론
 6. References
 저 자 소 개
  • 심상현(아주대학교 시스템공학과) | Sang Hyun Sim
  • 이재천(아주대학교 시스템공학과) | Jae-Chon Lee Corresponding author