
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 84

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 임관밀도와 임분 내 빛 조건의 상관관계를 정량적으로 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 임관밀도가 서로 다른 임분의 광도 및 광질을 측정하고, 서로 간의 상관성을 비교하였다. 또한 임관 밀도와 빛 조건의 상관관계를 토대로, 임상의 빛 조건을 반영하는 임관밀도의 변수와 상대광도 및 광반의 출현빈도를 검토하였다. 그 결과 임관밀도의 변수 중에서 엽면적지수(R2=0.95)가 임상의 상대광도와 상관성이 가장 높은 것으로 판단되었다. 상대광도와 광반의 출현빈도의 상관성을 조사한 결과, 상대광도가 증가할수록 광반의 출현빈도가 증가하는 양의 상관관계가 나타났다(R2=0.85). 상대광도와 광질 간의 상관성을 조사한 결과, 상대광도가 낮아지면서 산란광과 광반의 R/FR 비율은 각각 82%, 31%의 감소율을 보였다. 또한 상대광도와 광질의 R/FR 비율은 양의 상관관계를 보였다(R2=0.91). 이러한 결과로부터 서로 다른 임관밀도에 대한 임상의 빛 조건을 정량적으로 확인할 수 있었으며, 임상의 빛 조건을 반영하는 임관밀도의 지표는 엽면적지수로 판단되었다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지구온난화에 대한 현사시나무의 적응반응을 구명하기 위해서, CO2농도 및 기온 상승된 조건에서 80 일간 생장한 현사시나무 삽목묘의 수분생리특성을 조사하였다. 대조구는 기온이 주간 22℃, 야간 17℃ 이고, CO2농도는 주간 380ppm, 야간 400ppm이다. CO2농도 및 기온을 상승시킨 처리구는 기온이 주 간 27℃, 야간 22℃이고, CO2농도는 주간 770ppm, 야간 790ppm이다. 처리구는 잎이 전개된 개수, 개 엽의 평균면적, 전체 엽면적이 대조구에 비해서 낮은 값을 나타냈다. 그리고 처리구는 대조구에 비하여 지상부의 건중량이 적고, 지하부의 건중량이 많았으며, 지하부에 대한 바이오매스의 분배율이 높았다. 이러한 결과로 CO2농도 및 기온이 상승되면 수분을 필요로 하는 동화기관의 면적이 감소되고, 수분을 흡수하는 지하부에 대한 바이오매스 분배율이 높아짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 처리구는 광도 및 CO2 농도의 변화에 상관없이 기공전도도와 증산속도가 대조구에 비하여 낮게 유지되고 광합성에 대한 수분 이용효율이 대조구보다 높게 나타냈다. 이 결과를 통하여 동화기관의 수분손실 억제반응과 수분이용효 율이 증대반응을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 처리구는 절단한 잎이 건조공기에 노출되어도 상대함수율이 대조구에 비하여 천천히 감소하는 경향을 나타내 동화기관의 수분손실 억제반응이 재확인되었다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The live fire test has been playing a critical role in evaluating the goals-to-meet of the weapon systems which utilize the power of explosives. As such, the successful development of the test systems therein is quite important. The test systems development covers that of ranges and facilities including system-level key components such as mission control, instrumentation or observation, safety control, electric power, launch pad, and so on. In addition, proper operational guidelines are needed with well-trained test and operation personnel. The emerging weapon systems to be deployed in future battle field would thus have to be more precise and dynamic, smarter, thereby requiring more elaboration. Furthermore, the safety consideration is becoming more serious due to the ever-increasing power of explosives. In such a situation, development of live fire test systems seems to be challenging. The objective of the paper is on how to incorporate the safety and other requirements in the development. To achieve the goal, an architectural approach is adopted by utilizing both the system components relationship and safety requirement when advanced instrumentation technology needs to be developed and deteriorated components of the range are replaced. As an evaluation method, it is studied how the level of maturity of the test systems development can be assessed particularly with the safety requirement considered. Based on the concepts of both systems engineering and SoS (System-of-Systems) engineering process, an enhanced model for the system readiness level is proposed by incorporating safety. The maturity model proposed would be helpful in assessing the maturity of safety-critical systems development whereas the costing model would provide a guide on how the reasonable test resource allocation plan can be made, which is based on the live fire test scenario of future complex weapon systems such as SoS.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The weapon systems development has some distinct characteristics in that a big size of government budget (derived from national tax) has been expended frequently and the completion of the development projects seems to take long. Thus, the impact of the potential changes in the required operational capability on the development activities can induce some type of project risks. As such, proper management of project risk has been one of crucial subjects in the weapon systems development. Although a variety of methods can be considered, an approach based on the test and evaluation (T&E) process has been selected in this paper in order to appropriately handle those potential risks. In the study of the underlying T&E process, the safety consideration (for instance, explosiveness) of weapon systems is also included. To achieve the objective of the paper, a step-by-step procedure is first presented in the analysis of the T&E process. Then, to pursue some enhancement on the process, a set of necessary and useful activities are added in terms of risk and safety management. The resultant process is further analyzed and tailored based on a design structure matrix method. The case study of a tank development is also discusse
        2015.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 대 산업분야는 과학 기술의 진보에 따라 비약적인 기술발달을 이루었다. 따 라서, 고객이 요구(Needs)하는 다양한 기능을 구현하기 위해 상당수 부분을 소프트웨 어 중심으로 달성하고 있다. 이렇듯, 과거의 하드웨어 중심의 자동차와 달리 소프트웨 어 중심의 기능 구현이 이행되고 있는 실정이다. 이렇다 보니, 시스템이 보다 복잡해 짐에 따라 시스템을 설계하고 제어하는데 있어서 상당한 어려움이 따르고 있다. 따라 서, 유럽에서는 자동차 분야의 전자제어 장비로 인한 기능안전을 달성하기 위해 ISO26262라는 국제표준을 제정하였다. 국제표준의 제정에 따라 국내 자동차 산업은 차량 시스템을 설계하는데 있어서의 노력, 뿐만 아니라, 기능안전이라는 안전부분을 대비해야하는 상황에 직면하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 자동차 시스템의 상위 수준의 설계인 개념설계 단계에서 FMEA를 통한 안전성 활동 반영을 통한 하나의 단일화된 개발 방법론을 본 연구를 통해 제시하고자 한다. 따라서, 본 연구를 기반으로 향후 추가 연구를 수행한다면, 국내 자동차 산업, 뿐만 아니라, 대형복합 안전 중시 시스템 으로 확대하여 설계단계에서 안전성을 동시 고려한 시스템 설계 신뢰성 확보를 위해 도움이 될 것으로 기대 된다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The demand from customers on better products and systems seems to be ever increasing. To meet the demand, the systems are becoming more and more complicated in terms of both scale and functionality, thereby requiring enormous effort in the development. One bright spot of this trend is that such effort has been the driving forces of the remarkable advancement in modern systems development. On the other hand, safety issues appear to be critical in many large-scale systems such as transportation and weapon systems including high-speed trains, airplanes, ships, missiles/rockets launchers, and so on. Such systems turn out to be prone to a variety of faults and thus the resultant failure can cause disastrous accidents. For the reason, they can be referred to as safety-critical systems. The systems failure can be attributed to either random or systemic factors (or sometimes both). The objective of this paper is on how to reduce potential systemic failure in safety critical systems. To do so, a proper system design is pursued to minimize the risk of systemic failure. A focus is placed on the fact that complex systems have a lot of complicated interfaces among the system elements. To effectively handle the sources of hazards at the complicated interfaces and resultant failure, a method is developed by utilizing a design structure matrix. As a case study, the developed method is applied in the design of train control systems.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Successful development of weapon systems requires a stringent verification and validation (V&V) process due to the nature of the weapons in which continual increase of operational capability makes the system requirements more complicated to meet. Thus, test and evaluation (T&E) of weapon systems is becoming more difficult. In such a situation, live fire tests appear to be effective and useful methods in not only carrying out V&V of the weapon systems under development, but also increasing the maturity of the end users operability of the system. However, during the process for live fire tests, a variety of accidents or mishaps can happen due to explosion, pyro, separation, and so on. As such, appropriate means to mitigate mishap possibilities should be provided and applied during the live fire tests. To study a way of how to accomplish it is the objective of this paper. To do so, top-level sources of hazard are first identified. A framework for T&E is also described. Then, to enhance the test range safety, it is discussed how test scenarios can be generated. The proposed method is based on the use of the anticipatory failure determination (AFD) and multiple event tree analysis (ETA) in analyzing range safety. It is intended to identify unexpected hazard components even in the environment with constraints. It is therefore expected to reduce accident possibilities as an alternative to the traditional root-cause analysis.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modern weapon systems are getting more complex in terms of the functionality and also the conditions on the environment and range in which they are deployed and used. Therefore, many development programs can easily be exposed to a variety of risks, resulting in delayed schedules and cost overrun. As such, effective means are necessary to keep the defence budget at an affordable level while competitive edges on technological aspects are retained. As one way to meet those need, modeling and simulation (M&S) methods have widely been used, particularly in the test and evaluation (T&E) process for weapon systems development. The result of M&S-based systems development should be evaluated by the verification, validation & accreditation (VV&A) process to assure keeping reliability at a desired level. On the other hand, due to the explosiveness, the weapons systems development naturally requires to consider safety issues in both the T&E and operational periods. The purpose of this paper is to improve the VV&A process by reflecting the safety requirements therein. To do so, the VV&A process has been analyzed and graphically modeled first and then safety elements have been incorporated effectively. The use of the improved process in the war ships development has also been discussed. Based on the process proposed and the consequent database constructed, the target system can be expected to benefit from reducing development risks while assuring systems safety.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modern systems can be characterized by ever-increasing complexity of both the functionality and system scale. Thus, due to the complexity the chances of accidents resulting from systems failure can then be growing. Even worse is that those accidents could result in disastrous damage to the human being and properties as well. Therefore, the need for the developed systems to be assured with systems safety is apparent in a variety of industries such as rail, automobiles, airplanes, ships, oil refinery, chemical production plants, and so on. To this end, in the industry an appropriate safety standard has been published for its own safety-assured products. One of the core activities included in the most safety standards is hazard analysis. A conventional approach to hazard analysis seems to depend upon the scenarios derived from the ones used previously in similar systems or based on former experience. The objective of this paper is to study an improved process for scenario-based hazard analysis. To achieve the goal, the top-level safety requirements have first been reflected in the scenarios. By analyzing and using them, the result has then lead to the development of safety-assured systems. The method of modeling and simulation has been adopted in the generation and verification of scenarios to check whether the safety requirements are reflected properly in the scenarios. Application of the study result in the case of rail safety assurance has also been discussed.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modern systems development becomes more and more complicated due to the need on the ever-increasing capability of the systems. In addition to the complexity issue, safety concern is also increasing since the malfunctions of the systems under development may result in the accidents in both the test and evaluation phase and the operation phase. Those accidents can cause disastrous damages if explosiveness gets involved therein such as in weapon systems development. The subject of this paper is on how to incorporate safety requirements in the design of safety-critical systems. As an approach, a useful system structure using the method of design structure matrix (DSM) is studied while reflecting the need on systems safety. Specifically, the effects of system components failure are analyzed and numerically modeled first. Also, the system components are identified and their interfaces are represented using a component DSM. Combining the results of the failure analysis and the component DSM leads to a modified DSM. By rearranging the resultant DSM, a modular structure is derived with safety requirements incorporated. As a case study, application of the approach is also discussed in the development of a military UAV plane.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In weapon systems development, live fire tests have been frequently adopted to evaluate the performance of the systems under development. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure safety in the test ranges where the live fire tests can cause serious hazards. During the tests, a special care must be taken to protect the test and evaluation (T&E) personnel and also test assets from potential danger and hazards. Thus, the development and management of the range safety process is quite important in the tests of guided missiles and artillery considering the explosive power of the destruction. Note also that with a newly evolving era of weapon systems such as laser, EMP and non-lethal weapons, the test procedure for such systems is very complex. Therefore, keeping the safety level in the test ranges is getting more difficult due to the increased unpredictability for unknown hazards. The objective of this paper is to study on how to enhance the safety in the test ranges. To do so, an approach is proposed based on model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Specifically, a functional architecture is derived utilizing the MBSE method for the design of the range safety process under the condition that the derived architecture must satisfy both the complex test situation and the safety requirements. The architecture developed in the paper has also been investigated by simulation using a computer-aided systems engineering tool. The systematic application of this study in weapon live tests is expected to reduce unexpected hazards and test design time. Our approach is intended to be a trial to get closer to the recent theme in T&E community, "Testing at the speed of stakeholder's need and rapid requirement for rapid acquisition."
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As weapon systems become complex in terms of the scale and functionality, the required time to complete the test and evaluation (T&E) process is inevitably getting longer. However, nowadays the reduction of T&E period becomes one of the core targets in the weapon systems acquisition programs. This is because the reduced time for T&E process can yield the reduction of defense budget and also faster deployment of the weapon systems, thereby having a competitive edge over rival countries. On the other hand, in weapon systems development the management of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS), and risk is considered important to keep competitiveness and thus has been carried out separately. Thus, the objective of this paper is to study on improving the T&E process by integrating the RAMS and risk management process in it. To do so, the related processes are analyzed and modeled first. Then an integrated process model is developed. The resulting model is equipped with the traceability among the data and interfaces that are generated from the T&E and RAMS/risk processes. As a case study, the model developed is applied in tanks development. The effective use of the traceability is expected to reduce the time and cost required to complete T&E process.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 현대 무기체계는 국방예산 절감과 보다 빠르게 전략화하기 위해 시험평가에 소요 되는 기간을 줄이고자 하고 있다. 이에 따라 기존의 무기체계 시험평가 프로세스 에서 다루는 시스템 설계에 대한 단계별 안전 활동 강화의 필요성 역시 강조되고 있 다. 본 논문에서는 무기체계 획득 프로세스에서 위험 완화의 구성 요소로 확인 (Verification), 검증(Validation) 및 인정(Accreditation) 활동을 고려한 시험평가 프로세 스의 개선사항 도출과 모델링을 통해 무기체계 시스템인 함정 무기체계를 대상으로 적용 및 조정 구축에 대한 내용을 기술하고 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 시험평가 의 위험요소, 위험평가 데이터의 관리 및 추적 기능을 개선함으로써 향후 M&S기반 획득 시험평가 시 체계 개발 및 운용에서 발생할 수 있는 비용 및 시간을 절감 시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 국내 자동차 산업의 환경은 국제표준인 ISO 26262의 등장으로 새로운 국면의 단계에 와있다. 자동차 설계의 전 단계에 있어서 차량의 안전성과 신뢰성을 만족 시 키기기 위해 세부 활동과 프로세스 단계별 수행에 따른 산출물을 요구하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 ISO 26262의 수행활동 중 개념설계 단계에서 요구되는 개발 환경을 모델 기반 시스템공학 기법을 적용함으로써 ISO 26262 대응에 관한 적용 기법안을 도출하 려고 한다. 특히, ISO 26262에서 제시하는 프로세스 중 하나인 개념 단계에서 요구되 는 활동과 산출물을 본 연구를 통해 추구하는 연구 결과를 기반으로 향후 추가 연구 를 수행하면, ISO 26262에 대응하지 못하고 있는 자동차 산업에서의 중소업체들이 자 동차 시스템 개발에서 전면적인 모델기반 시스템공학 방법론 기반으로 ISO 26262에 대한 대응하기 위한 발전과정에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rapid growth of complexity and scale can be witnessed in the design and development of modern systems. As such, the severity of damages in the occasional accidents has attracted great deal of attention lately. Although a variety of methods have so far been studied to overcome or reduce the disastrous results of hazards, the issues seem still persistent and even complicated due to the situation mentioned above. The concept of functional safety has been regarded as one approach to handling the matters by shifting up to the functions level from the consideration of each physical component itself. The outcomes of those efforts would be the international standards on functional safety such as IEC 61508 and its relatives including IEC 62278, EN 50128, ISO26262, and so on. In this paper, a method of how hazards can be analyzed to be coped with those standards has been studied. In the method proposed, the systems modeling language (SysML) is playing a key role to model and analyze the hazards from the viewpoint of functional safety. The approach taken has been applied in the analysis of the hazards in railroad systems. In spite of focusing on the individual components hazards, the method based on functional safety has analyzed them collectively with the added effect of identifying the cause originated from the interface between the functions.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The environment and requirements of modern war fields have been affected and thus changed by a variety of issues. To this end, the development of safety-critical weapon systems frequently need to meet those changes even in the operational phase. The necessity of the changes may be due to the preparation for mass-production or the request originated from the user military forces. To meet such a need can be even tougher in the development of safety-critical weapon systems since the integration of the requirements for both systems design and systems safety would make it troublesome. To handel the matter in this paper, utilization of architecture DB is proposed. Specifically, the situation in demand has first been analyzed and then a problem-solving process to accommodate the design changes has been constructed. In doing so, the concept of the aforementioned integration is particularly focused on the functional architecture, which could be a core concept of our approach to solving the problem. The result of a case study demonstrating the method studied using a computer-aided systems engineering tool is also presented.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the recent advances in technology, the systems are becoming more demanding in terms of functionality and implementation complexity. Therefore, when system failures are involved in such complex systems, the effects of the related safety issues can also be more serious, thereby causing in the worst case irrecoverable hazards on both human being and properties. This fact can be witnessed in the recent rail systems accidents. In general, the accidents can be attributed to the systematic failure or the random failure. The latter is due to the aging or unsatisfied quality of the parts used in implementation or some unexpected external cause that would otherwise result in accidents whereas the former is usually related to incomplete systems design. As the systems are becoming more complex, so are the systematic failures. The objective of the paper is to study an approach to solving the systematic failure. To do so, at first the system design process is augmented by the functional safety activities that are suggested in the standard IEC 61508. Analyzing the artifacts of the integrated process yields the traceability, which satisfies the requirements for reduction of systematic failure as provided in ISO 26262. In order to reduce systematic failure, the results are utilized in the conceptual design stage of systems development in which systems requirements are generated and functional architecture is developed.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent trends in rail industry can be characterized by the multifunctionality and very high-speed modes of operations. In particular, the adoption of the unmaned or operatorless operations has been getting increased attention in which case ensuring systems safety is crucial. On the other hand, according to the result of analyzing rail accidents, the human/operator errors have turned out to be one of the key causes of the accidents. Therefore, the effort of improving the work environment of locomotive cabs is quite necessary in order to decrease the accidents. The objective of this paper is studying on how to incorporate the factors related to the train operators in the design of the locomotive cabs and also on how to evaluate the design results obtained, which is subsequently reflected in the generation of the test and evaluation procedure. The approach taken is based on systems engineering, yielding the procedure document as a result. The results obtained in the paper can be useful in confirming the design of locomotive cabs utilizing the domestic human/operator measure. Also, the way of achieving the objectives can be utilized to cover the expanded rail systems development with appropriate design activities added.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the evolution of war fields to the net-centric one, weapon systems have become very complex in terms of both mission capability and implementation scales. In particular, the net-centric war field is characterized by a set of interconnected and independently operable weapon systems. As such, the individual weapon systems are required to meet the interoperability and thus, assuring it has been becoming more crucial even in the early stage of development. Furthermore, the ever-growing complexity of the weapon systems has attracted a great deal of attention on the safety issues in the operation and development of weapon systems. The objective of the study is on how to assure the interoperability for safety-critical weapon systems while maintaining system complexity. To do so, the approach taken in the paper is to consider the interoperability from the early stage of the development. Specifically, the required functions to satisfy the interoperability are developed first. The functions are then analyzed in order to link the safety requirements to the reliability evaluation, which results in the study of quantifying the effects of the safety requirements on the system as a whole. As a result, we have developed a methodology and procedure on how to assure interoperability while applying the safety requirements in the weapon systems development.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 현대 무기체계는 최첨단 기술로 인한 무기체계 개발 속도 증가와 획득환경의 다변화와 더불어 이에 대한 위험도 동시에 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라 미국방부는 무기체계의 수명주기를 고려하여 시험평가를 지속 적용토록 강조하고 있다. 따라서 기존의 무기체계 시험평가 프로세스에서 다루는 시스템 설계에 대한 위험 관리 활동의 강화의 필요성 역시 강조되고 있다. 그 중에서도 무기체계 개발의 탐색개발 및 체계개발 단계는 양산에 들어가기 전의 최종 활동으로서 제대로 수행되어야만 초기에 의도한 무기체계 개발의 목적을 달성할 수 있을 것이다. 본 논문에서는 위험 관리 활동을 고려한 시험평가 프로세스의 개선사항 도출과 모델링을 통해 무기체계 시스템인 무기체계를 대상으로 적용 및 조정 구축에 대한 내용을 기술하고 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 향후 시험평가 시 위험관리에 대한 투자를 통해 전체 프로젝트의 기간 단축 및 비용 절감과 안전성 확보를 개선시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
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