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소규모 LNG 저장시설의 안전거리 기준 연구 KCI 등재후보

A Study on Safety for Small Scale LNG Stroage facility

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284733
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

In this study safety distance was investigated for small-scale LNG storage facilities in order to provide basic data for safety. The results are as follows; (1) For explosion pressure criteria, current criteria are reasonable, but water spray system should be recommended to LNG storage tank to ensure safety. (2) For criteria based on the results of the quantitative risk assessment, criteria applied to people are 5kW/㎡ for radiation, LFL for dispersion, and 7kPa for explosion pressure. And criteria applied to facility are 37.5 kW/㎡ for radiation and 20 kPa for explosion pressure.

 1. 서 론
 2. 소규모 LNG 저장시설
 3. 사고 시나리오
  3.1. 최악의 사고 시나리오
  3.2. 발생 가능한 시나리오
 4. 사고영향평가
  4.1. 최악의 사고 시나리오
  4.2. 발생 가능한 사고 시나리오
  4.3. 사고영향평가 결과
  4.4. 정량적 위험성평가(QRA)
 5. 안전거리 검토
  5.1 폭발압력 기준
  5.2 위험성평가 기준
 6. 결 론
 7. References
 저 자 소 개
  • 오신규(호서대학교 기계공학과) | Shin-Kyu Oh Corresponding author
  • 조영도(한국가스안전공사) | Young-Do Jo