본 연구는 젖소의 분만계절에 비유곡선 모수를 추정하고, 추정된 비유곡선 모수를 이용하여 우리나라 젖소의 비유특성에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. 자료는 2009년부터 2011년까지 분만한 1산차 14,189두의 농협중앙회 검정자료를 이용하였으며, 비유곡선 모수는 Wood 모형을 적용하여, SAS 9.2 NLIN Procedure를 이용해 추정하였다. Wood 모형으로 추정 된 비유곡선 함수는 봄, 여름, 가을 및 겨울 분만에 대해 각각 yt=17.1726t0.2074e-0.00243t, yt=17.4108t0.1868e-0.00206t, yt=16.1367t0.2171e-0.00224t 및 yt=15.7759t0.2378e-0.00258t이었다. 봄, 여름, 가을 및 겨울의 분만에 대한 추정최고유량과 최고유량도달시기는 각각 32.55 kg, 84.70일, 31.53 kg, 90.99일, 32.21 kg, 96.51일 및 32.95 kg, 90.20일 이었다. 겨울의 분만이 여름의 분만보다 추정최고유량이 높았다. 또한 봄의 분만이 다른 계절보다 최고유량도달시기가 더 빨랐다.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of calving season on milk yield and to estimate lactation curve of Holstein cattle in Korea. The data for milk yields were collected from 14,189 first parity cows from 2009 to 2011 by Dairy Cattle Improvement Center, National Agricultural Cooperative, Korea. Lactation curves were drawn using Wood model on actual daily milk yield records. Estimators of the lactation parameters for Wood model were computed for each cow by nonlinear regression using NLIN PROCEDURE of SAS 9.2. The estimated lactation functions for spring, summer, fall and winter were yt=17.1726t0.2074e-0.00243t, yt=17.4108t0.1868e-0.00206t, yt=16.1367t0.2171e-0.00224t and yt=15.7759t0.2378e-0.00258t for Wood model, respectively. Peak milk yields for spring, summer, fall and winter were 32.55 kg on 84.70 day, 31.53 kg on 90.99 day, 32.21kg on 96.51 day and 32.95 kg on 90.20 day after calving, respectively. The peak milk yields for cows calved in winter were greater than those of cows calved in other seasons. The cows calved in spring had earlier peak milk yields than those calved in other seasons.