가수량이 120%에서 300%로 증가하면서 pH는 4.6에서 4.2로 산도는 6.0에서 5.2로, 아미노산도는 6.0에서 2.5로, 가용성 고형분 함량은 18.4에서 7.4˚Brix로 낮아졌다. 술덧의 알코올 농도는 150%에서 17.6%로 가장 높았고 알코올 생산수율은 각각 59.7, 74.5, 80.8, 82.8, 89.4, 90.6%로 가수량에 의존적으로 증가하였다. 술덧의 유기산 총량은 각각 207.85, 222.38, 222.06, 204.56, 194.34, 204.34 mg/100 mL로 150%와 180%에서 높게 나타났다. 유리아미노산 총량은 각각 474.60, 317.32, 241.89, 244.51, 189.00, 208.12 mg/100 mL로 가수량에 의존적으로 감소하였고 arginine, alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, tyrosine, valine이 주요 성분이었다. Iso-butanol은 154.88~182.62 ppm, iso-amylalcohol은 320.59~394.47 ppm, 1-propanol은 91.50~170.91 ppm, 2-phenylalcohol은 108.93~144.26 ppm농도로 분포하고 있고 ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, furfural, butyric acid가 검출되었다.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of varying the amount of water added on the characteristics of mash fermented using modified Nuruk for distilled-Soju production. As the amount of water added to the mash increased from 120 to 300%, the pH dropped from 4.6 to 4.2, resulting in reductions in the acidity from 6.0 to 5.2, in the amino acid level from 6.0 to 4.2, and in the soluble-solid content from 18.4 to 7.4˚Brix. The alcohol concentration of the mash was highest at 17.6%, when 150% water was added, while the alcohol yield showed water-content-dependent increases of 59.7, 74.5, 80.8, 82.8, 89.4, and 90.6% with 120, 150, 180, 200, 250, and 300% water added, respectively. The values of the organic-acid content in the mash were 207.85, 222.38, 222.06, 204.56, 194.34, and 204.34 mg/100 mL, showing the highest values when 150 and 180% water was added. The total amino-acid content showed water-content-dependent decreases at 474.60, 317.32, 241.89, 244.51, 189.00, and 208.12 mg/100 mL, with arginine, alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, tyrosine, and valine as the major components. The concentrations of isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol, 1-propanol, and 2-phenylalcohol were 154.88~182.62, 320.59~394.47, 91.50~170.91, and 108.93~144.26 ppm, respectively, while ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde, furfural, and butyric acid were also detected.