Tsushima Island (Daemado) belonging to Japan is an island located between South Korea and Japan, so this island is very important geographically. Tsushima is divided into two main islands on North (Kami Jima), South (Shimo Jima). The highest mountain of south Island is Yatateyama (649m) and Mitakeyama in north Island (487m). Almost area is mountainous and forested. We collected for three years from 2012 to 2014. First Collecting site is Miuda beach (28m. 34°40'34.39"N, 129°27'51.35"E), second is Ayumodoshi (65.7m. 34°09’ 06.70”N, 129°12’ 31.1” E), third is Mt. Eboshi (11.7m. 34°22’35.5” N, 129°18’ 33.6” E). The moths were collected by the light trap including one Mercury vapor lamp and two UV lamps with white screen. A total of 17 species, 12genera of Crambinae were identified. The materials examined are deposited in Incheon National University.