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Dose Response Assessment of Ethyl Formate and Phosphine on Three Aphid Species in Fruit and Vegetable Commodities

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/287657
모든 회원에게 무료로 제공됩니다.
한국응용곤충학회 (Korean Society Of Applied Entomology)

Aphids are common pests frequently found in imported and exported fruits and vegetables. Methyl bromide(MB), a Quarantine and Pre Shipment(QPS) fumigant, could offer eradication of aphids within short period. However, MB is limited in use because of poor gas evaporation at low temperature(<5℃) and there is phytotoxic effect or damage on quality in post-harvest vegetables and fruits even at >5℃. Two candidates of MB alternative, ethyl formate(EF) and phosphine(PH3), are used and being investig at edonvarious fruits and vegetables fumigation to replace MB. Aphids are known as quarantine pest that are hard to control when conduct short period fumigation with PH3 and low dosage of EF. In this paper, dose response assessment of EF and PH3 are presented for three different aphid pecies : cotton aphid(Aphisgossypii), green peach aphid(Myzuspersicae) and turnip aphid (Lipaphiserysimi). The LCt99% values of EF at room temp. and low temp. (5℃) were 4.42 and 4.45 g·h·m-3 for cotton aphid, 3.23 and 5.58 g·h·m-3 for turnip aphid, 3.23 and 5.58 g·h·m-3 for green peach aphid when 2-hours fumigation. PH3 showed 0% efficacy on all species when 2-hours fumigation.

  • Myeong-Seop Kim(Animal Plant Quarantine Agency, Plant Quarantine Technology Center)
  • Jeong-Oh Yang(Animal Plant Quarantine Agency, Plant Quarantine Technology Center)
  • Bong-Su Kim(Dongbu ARI, Dongbu Farm Hannong Co. Ltd)
  • Eul-Jai Myung(Dongbu ARI, Dongbu Farm Hannong Co. Ltd)
  • Byung-Ho Lee(Dongbu ARI, Dongbu Farm Hannong Co. Ltd)