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Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of muscadine grape extracts KCI 등재 SCOPUS

머스커다인 포도 추출물의 항산화 및 항균 활성

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/288602
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

본 논문은 미국 남부지역 특화작물인 머스커다인 포도의 부분별 추출물의 항산화능 및 항균활성을 구명하기 위한 목적으로, Higgins, Jumbo, Noble 3종의 머스커다인 품종을 대상으로 하여 포도의 과피/과육부분과 종자부분을 추출하 여 실험에 사용하였다. 각 추출물에 대하여, 항산화능은 총페놀함량 및 라디칼 소거능(Scavenging activity 및 EC50) 을, 항균활성은 E.coli K12에 대한 최소생육저해농도 (minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)를 조사하였다. 종 자 추출물의 총페놀함량은 231.24~294.81 mg/mL GAE로 과피/과육 추출물에 비하여 높은 함량을 보였다. 또한 Higgins품종의 종자 추출물이 가장 우수한 라디칼소거능 (EC50=0.026 mg/mL)을 나타내, 종자추출물이 과피/과육추 출물보다 우수한 항산화능을 보유하였다. 반면, E.coli K12 에 대한 항균활성은 Higgins 품종의 과피/과육추출물이 40 mg/mL의 MIC를 보임으로써 가장 우수하였다. 따라서, 본 연구는 머스커다인 포도 추출물이 천연 유래의 항산화 및 항균 기능성을 보유한 소재로 활용될 수 있는 잠재적 가치 를 제시하였다.

The objective of this research was to investigate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of muscadine grape extracts. Three different cultivars of muscadine grapes including Higgings, Jumbo, and Noble were selected. The skin/pulp and seed parts of three selected muscadine grape cultivars were used for extraction. The total phenolic contents of muscadine grape extracts were expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). The antioxidant activity of muscadine grape extracts were determined by scavenging activity of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and expressed as effective concentration (EC50), which represented the concentration of the extract exhibiting 50% DPPH radical scavenging. The antimicrobial activity against E. coli K12 was determined and expressed as the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC). The seed extracts exhibited greater total phenolic contents than the skin/pulp extracts, ranging from 231.24 to 294.81 mg/mL GAE. The seed extracts exhibited greater antioxidant activities than the skin/pulp extracts (EC50 of Higgins seed extract=0.026 mg/mL). However, the skin/pulp extracts exhibited greater antimicrobial activities than the seed extracts, exhibiting the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) in Higgins skin/pulp extract (MIC=4.0 mg/mL). This research indicated that the seed part and skin/pulp parts of the muscadine grapes possessed antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity, respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that muscadine grapes possess the potential to be utilized as functional foods or nutraceuticals.

 Materials and Methods
  Extraction of muscadine grape
  Total phenolic content
  Scavenging activity of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical
  Antimicrobial activity
  Statistical analysis
  Results and Discussion
 요 약
  • Mi-Kyung Park(School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea) | 박미경
  • Jun-Hyun Oh(Department of Plant and Food Sciences, Sangmyung University, Cheonan 330-720, Korea) | 오준현 Corresponding author