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Effect of Temperature and Host Stage on Performance of Aphelinus varipes Parasitizing the Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/290339
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한국응용곤충학회 (Korean Society Of Applied Entomology)

Developmental time, mummification, pupal mortality, sex ratio of a South Korean strain of Aphelinus varipes Förster parasitizing the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae were studied at 20, 25 and 30℃ in controlled climate cabinets. Plastic container with sweet pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) were used as experimental units. Green peach aphid in different larval instars and as adults, reared at the three different temperatures, were presented to A. varipes in a 'no-choice' and 'choice' situation for 6h. These presentations were done at 25℃ in each experiment to avoid an influence of temperature on parasitization rate. In case of no-choice test, more 1st(24%), 2nd(22%) and 3rd(38%) instar aphids were parasitized than 4th(14%) instar and adult(10%) among the aphids reared at 25℃. In case of choice test, more 1st(41%), 2nd(42%) and 3rd(29%) instar aphids were parasitized than 4th(13%) instar and adult(0%) among the aphids reared at 25℃. Pupal mortality of the parasitoid was not influenced by temperatures. The sex ratio of A. varipes was male-biased, and varied between 49.4% females developed from aphids reared at 30℃ and 42.8% from aphids reared at 20℃. The sex ratio was not significantly influenced by host stages. The developmental time of A. varipes parasitizing the green peach aphid ranged from 26.1days at 20℃ to 11.1days at 30℃.

  • YongSeok Choi(Bioenvironmental division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service)
  • InSu Whang(Bioenvironmental division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service)
  • DeogGee Park(Department of Agriculture Biology, Chungnam National)
  • KwangRyul Choe(Department of Agriculture Biology, Chungnam National)