Performance Characteristics of a Cascade Refrigeration System with Internal Heat Exchangers for a High/Low Temperature Cycles
In this paper, cycle performance characteristics of a cascade refrigeration system with internal heat exchanger for cascade heat exchanger using alternative freon refrigerants is presented to offer the basic design data for the operating parameters of the system. This system considered in this study is consisted of a high temperature cycle using Freon refrigerant R23, R508B and low temperature cycle using Freon refrigerants R22, R507A. The operating parameters of this system include subcooling and superheating degree, evaporating temperature, compressor efficiency, and so on. The main results were summarized as follows : The COP of cascade refrigeration system using R23/R507A is the highest results in this study. The COP of cascade refrigeration system with internal heat exchanger only in high temperature cycle is the highest value among three cycle, such as only low temperature cycle, only high temperature cycle and all the cycle