Toluene, xylene, styrene, and ethylbenzene are main volatile organic compounds emitted from painting materials. According with the development of gas chromatography equipment, it has been possible to analyze the low level of ambient VOCs concentration. In this study, the limit of detection and the limit of quantitation were analysed for VOCs originated from painting materials in GC/FID/liquid injection analysis system. The results of %RSD for four standard solutes showed a great reproducibility in terms of detection time and detection area. The limit of detection and the limit of quantitation in SRI GC appeared to be 501.64 pg and 1.67 ppb for toluene, 572.03 pg and 1.90 ppb for ethylbenzene, 1077.22 pg and 3.59 ppb for m,p-xylene, 36563.35 pg and 121.76 ppb for styrene, respectively.