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치근낭에서 EGF, EGFR, aFGF, bFGF, FGFR 발현에 관한 면역 병리학적 연구 KCI 등재

Immunohistopathologic study of EGF, EGFR, aFGF bFGF, and FGFR in the radicular cyst

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/292799
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대한구강악안면병리학회지 (The Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology)
대한구강악안면병리학회 (Korean Academy Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor), EGFR(Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), aFGF(acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor, FGF-1), bFGF(basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, FGF-2), FGFR(Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor) in the development of radicular cyst. For this study 37 subjects, diagnosed as radicular cysts. referred to the Dept. of Oral Path. College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, were used as experimental group. And for control group, 2 subjects of normal oral epithelium without any inflammatory changes were used. All the tissues; experimental and control group were neutral formation fixed and paraffin embedded. serial tissue section were made at 5㎛ and processed in the standard way for immunohistochemical method, using primary antibodies against, EGF(Antirabbit Ig G at 1:100 dilution), EGFR(Antimouse Ig G at 1:100 dilution), aFGF(Antirabbit Ig G, rabbit kit at 1:100 dilution), bFGF(Antirabbit Ig G, mouse kit at 1:100 dilution), FGFR(Antimouse Ig G mouse kit at 1:100 dilution), all BioGenex U.S.A. made except EGFR(Chemicon U.S.A.) followed by the Streptavidin - Horse Radish Peroxidase (InnoGenex Human-avidin kit) application, counter stained with Meyer's hematoxylin stain method. And examined under microscope, graded 0(no epithelial stain), +(weak or focal epithelial stain), ++(moderate or focal intensive epithelial stain), +++(intense generalized epithelial staining) for the epithelium, and connective tissue of cyst wall.
1. EGF, EGFR, aFGF, bFGF, FGFR showed more intense staining on radicular cysts compare to that on the normal
2. EGF, EGFR, aFGF, bFGF, FGFR stained in mucosa, submucosa of the control group and also stained on the lining
epithelium, connective tissues of cyst wall in the experimental group.
EGF, EGFR, aFGF, bFGF, FGFR take a part in the development of the radicular cyst.

I. 서 론
 II. 연구재료 및 연구방법
  가. 실험재료
  나. 면역 조직 화학염색방법
 III. 실험 성적
 IV. 총괄 및 고안
 V. 결 론
  • 마경화(경희대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실) | Ma Kyung Hwa
  • 조재오(경희대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실) | Jaeo Cho 통신저자