A total of 708 methanol extracts from 599 species in 126 families(e.g. Aceraceae) of plant resources were screened for inhibition of cosmetics contaminating microbe, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans using 96-well microplate bioassay. Four plant extracts including Celastrus orbiculatus inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus over 90%, 38 extracts including Acer palmatum var. nakaii inhibited the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa over 60% and 10 extracts including Ilex crenata var. microphylla inhibited growth of Candida albicans over 60%. Plant extracts showing growth inhibition activity against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and C. albicans could be used as a reference guide for the future development of natural preservatives for cosmetics.