This study was carried out to prepare for the basic data to properly treat the swine manure targeting 19 pig farms in Daejung-eup in Jeju Island. Swine breeding facility can be classified largely as scraper piggery, slurry piggery and recirculating piggery based on their types. Generation flux source unit and generated source unit for each swine breeding facility have been calculated. The average generated flux source unit for the scrapper piggery was 4.57 L/d, for the slurry piggery 3.27 L/d, and for the recirculating type 2.57 L/d. The generation source units for the scraper piggery were 37,796.3 mg/L of BOD5, 25,853.0 mg/L of CODMn, 39,843.8 mg/L of SS, 28,390.5 mg/L of T-N, and 890.1 mg/L of T-P; for the slurry piggery 45,974.2 mg/L of BOD5, 29,582.4 mg/L of CODMn, 69,190.6 mg/L of SS, 29,210.4 mg/L of T-N, and 1,370.6 mg/ L of T-P; and for the recirculating piggery 32,953.9 mg/L of BOD5, 21,698.4 mg/L of CODMn, 46,816.5 mg/L of SS, 19,464.3 mg/L of T-N, and 979.2 mg/L of T-P. In summary, the average generation flux source unit of the swine manure from 19 pig farms of Daejung-eup in Jeju Island was 3.47 L/d, and the average generation source unit of the manure was 38,908.1 mg/L of BOD5, 25,711.3 mg/L of CODMn, 51,950.3 mg/L of SS, 25,688.4 mg/L of T-N, and 1,080.0 mg/L of T-P.