This experiment conducted to identify the changes of the response when white-back planthopper (WBPH, Sogatella furcifera), were inoculated in 10 days rice leaves after germination. We confirmed the difference between inoculated and uninfected plants by in the different time period (1day, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks after inoculation). Breeding rice and WBPH maintained at 26∼28℃ with 60 % humidity. 3 leaves plants (TN1, Cheongcheong, and Nagdong) were inoculated with 2∼3 instars WBPH. Harvested rice plant samples were completely dried in dark condition and then samples were completely immersed in a solution of methanol for 3 days under darkness. Dissolving in water and then de-fatted three times with hexane. 100 ppm samples were applied to HPLC, eluting with acetonitrile and 0.1 % acetic acid by C18 (5ph column Agilant) and detected at 254 nm. We confirmed the difference of peak using LC/MS/MS (API-2000). The results showed that three weeks from the day of inoculation was increased at the molecular weight 118.1, 264.2 and 364.2.