A semi-empirical method to estimate the surface tension of molten alloys at different oxygen partialpressures is suggested in this study. The surface tension of molten Ag-Sn and Ag-Cu alloys were calculatedusing the Butler equation with the surface tension value of pure substance at a given oxygen partialpressure. The oxygen partial pressure ranges were 2.86×10-12-1.24×10-9Pa for the Ag-Sn system and2.27×10-11-5.68×10-4 Pa for the Ag-Cu system. In this calculation, the interactions of the adsorbed oxygenwith other metallic constituents were ignored. The calculated results of the Ag-Sn alloys were in reasonableaccordance with the experimental data within a difference of 8%. For the Ag-Cu alloy system at a higheroxygen partial pressure, the surface tension initially decreased but showed a minimum at XAg = 0.05 to increaseas the silver content increased. This behavior appears to be related to the oxygen adsorption and thecorresponding surface segregation of the constituent with a lower surface tension. Nevertheless, the calculatedresults of the Ag-Cu alloys with the present model were in good agreement with the experimental data withina difference of 10%.