Thermoluminescent Properties by the Cooling Temperature and Grain Size in the LiYSiO4 : La Phosphors
The thermoluminescent phosphors of LiYSiO4 containing rare earth metal(La) dopants of 1 wt.%5 wt.% were prepared, and their TL characteristics have been investigated as a function of parameters such as the doping level and the heating rate. The grain size and cooling temperature of the highly sensitive LiYSiO4: La phosphors have been investigated. The glow curve of LiYSiO4: La has two peaks (P1, P2), and the peak height ratio of the two peaks is called P2/P1; here, the main peak is P2. Experimental results indicate that the peak height ratios of the glow curve for LiYSiO4: La are clearly correlated with the grain size and cooling temperature. The maximum P2/P1 ratio 3.25, the maximum sensitivity was observed for a grain size between 100-150 μm. The intensity of the TL peak of the phosphors was linearly proportion to the dose of X-rays.