Bt gene derived from the B. thuringiensis has been used for developing GM crops, and corn, cotton and soybean producing B. thuringiensis toxins have been on the market for last 17 years or so creating a huge GM seed industry. One of the notorious pests in brassica crops is diamondback moth (DBM). In order to protect the insect plague of crops from DBM, 4-5 billion dollars have been wasted annually for applying integrated measures in worldwide. Major prevention is use of pesticides that may build the contamination level of chemicals in the ground and this practice threats the environment and ecosystem. An alternative is to develop GM brassica crops and therefore we have developed GM cabbages resistant DBM using bt gene. Lots of T0 cabbages were tested for resistance and independent GM cabbages resistant to DBM were selected. Molecular analysis was conducted to find if GM cabbage holds one copy transgene and intergenic insertion. We found an independent GM cabbage and it contained a singly copy of the transgene without disturbing the insertion site. This one called C95 line with an status of event have been self-crossed for two generation (T2). Also we are working the development of GM cabbage with different vector that contains bar gene as a selection marker. So far 17 T0 cabbages have been obtained by bar selection.