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중국과 일본 들깨 수집 자원의 생육 특성 및 페놀 성분 분석 KCI 등재

Growth Characteristics and Phenol Compounds Analysis of Collected Perilla frutescens Resources From China and Japan

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/298343
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한국약용작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Medical Crop Science)
한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

This study was conducted to find out the variation in agronomic trait and chemical composition in the collected Perilla frutescens from China and Japan. From the results of growth investigation, the maximum number if branches was 26.7ea in Japan 134 line, followed by 25 nodes number in China 119 line. Among the different lines investigated, maximum number of panicle number (108.8) were observed in China 114 line. 1000 seed weight was maximum (4.12 g) in China 118 line. Flowering time of different collected lines varied significantly with average value of 175.5 days and the average line required for maturation of seedlings was 205.1 days. Plant height was the highest (248.9 ㎝) in China 107 line. Highest number of total picking leaves was 965ea, and the average picked period was 54 days. The major phenol compounds contained in Perilla frutescens showed wide variation for Syringic acid, Benzoic acid, Naringin, o-Coumaric acid, Myricetin, Naringenin and Hesperetin. Japan 139 line showed the highest level of total phenol contents (8254.0 ㎍/g, dry weight).

서 언
 재료 및 방법
  1. 공시재료
  2. 농업적 형질 특성 조사
  3. 페놀화합물 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 중국, 일본 수집종 들깨의 작물학적 생육특성
  2. 페놀화합물 분석 이용 총페놀 고함량 들깨 선발
 감사의 글
  • 성은수(강원대학교 한방바이오연구소) | Eun Soo Seong
  • 서은원(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Eun Won Seo
  • 정일민(건국대학교 응용생물과학) | Ill Min Chung
  • 김명조(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Myong Jo Kim
  • 김희영(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Hee Young Kim
  • 유지혜(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Ji Hye Yoo
  • 최재후(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Jae Hoo Choi
  • 김남준(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Nam Jun Kim
  • 유창연(강원대학교 바이오컨버젼스공학과) | Chang Yeon Yu Corresponding author