RAPD를 이용한 유연관계 분석에서는 유사도 0.37을 기준으로 2번과 8번 계통을 제외하고 21개 품종은 두 개의 그룹으로 나누어졌다. 그룹 1에는 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13번 계통이 분포하고, 그룹 2에는 나머지가 분포하였다.
Genetic relationship analysis by PCR reactions with 25 primers could produce relevant classifications of the 21 P. pulmonarius (Fr) Quel. isolates collected from 2005. They were classified by two groups with similarity coefficient 0.37. All of the P. pulmonarius cultivars belonged to group 2. New cultivar 'Hwasan' presented high similarity coefficient to parental strains, and that of 'Hosan' and 'Kangsan' cultivars was very high owing to shared crossing parents, and that of two strains from China was high, as well.