We present a case of intraparotid plexiform neurofibroma in a 7-year-old man. The lesion was determined as plexiform neuroma in histopathological findings, but final diagnosis was plexiform neurofibroma considering his familiy history of neurofibromatosis and café au lait spots on his body. Currently we are executing follow-up after removing the tumor with surgery. Plexiform neurofibroma can develope at any point along a nerve and spread out either just under the skin or deeper in the body. According to the literature, the most common site of plexiform neurofibroma is mouth and face in the head and neck region. Also, plexiform neurofibroma occurs at 8.8-year-old in neurofibromatosis typeⅠ patient with familial history. Because of interlacing with adjacent normal tissue and the invasive nature we have difficult resecting the mass completely. So when the tumor turns symptomatic or disfiguring leading to an aesthetic problem, surgery had better be undertaken.