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김재준의 공산주의 이해 -한경직, 박형룡과의 비교를 중심으로- KCI 등재

A Study on the Understanding the Communism of Kim Chai-choon -Comparing with Han Gyung-Jik and Park Hyong-Ryong-

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/303461
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
韓國敎會史學會誌 (한국교회사학회지)
한국교회사학회 (The Church History Society in Korea)

Since Korean War, even though Kim Chai-choon, Han Gyung-Jik and Park Hyong-Ryong had manifested their anti-communism, their understanding for it was quite different one another. For, they have experienced the communism in the different situations.
For Kim Chai-choon, he manifested himself as an anticommunist but he had a deideological understanding in his deep aspect. He criticized the dogmatism of communism, not but communism itself. Thus, Kim’s understanding for communism is considered as deideological one. The reason that he had deideological understanding was that he was influenced from Reinhold Niebuhr. In 1950’s, right after the end of the Korean War, he expressed the very vigorous view against the communism. However, it was because Song Chang-gun, his supporter as well as his friend, was kidnapped by North Korea.
Meanwhile, Han was the strong view against the communism and he was an anticommunist. He imparted a “red dragon” to the communism, which was the religious meaning. Right after the independence, Han established the Christian Social-democratic Party in a bid for political activities. But his activities caused the conflicts with communists. So, he came to South Korea. After the Korean War, he worked as a senior pastor for Bethany Church(it became Young-Rak Church afterwards), which was consisted of many North Korean refugees. This was the main reason why he became a very vigorous anticommunist. Therefore, Han’s understanding for communism was called an “ideological understanding for communism based on personal experiences.”
Park Hyong-ryong was also an anticommunist but not so much as Han. Because he had been working in South Korea right after Independence, he had no chance to have confliction with communists. He understood the communism as “God’s punishment against sinful people” and such an understanding was very normal at that time. However, in 1959, since third division of Presbyterian churches, he has had cold war ideological understanding. NAE, in which he played a central role and WCC, in which Han played a central role, crashed each other. At that time, Park accused Han of pro-communist and since then, he started understanding “New Theology” and “Communism” in the same category. Since then, Park has interchanged with Carl McIntyre, who was an anticommunist as well as an extreme right Christian leader. As a result, Park had the cold war ideological understanding against communism.
Kim Chai-choon, Han Gyung-Jik and Park Hyong-Ryong experienced the Korean War and their experiences made themselves anticommunists but the reason that their views were quite different was that they had very different experiences.

  • 홍인표(숭실대학교) | Hong, In Pyo