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A New Graptolite Species Adelograptus brevibrachiatus from the Mungok Formation of Yeongwol Area, Korea KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/304630
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한국지구과학회지 (The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society)
한국지구과학회 (The Korean Earth Science Society)

Adelograptus brevibrachiatus sp. novo is erected for materials previously referred to as Adelograptus cf. tenellus from the circum-Pacific area. The species shares many morphological characteristics with Adelograptus tenellus from Europe but differs from it by possessing typically short stipe lengths throughout rhabdosome due to less thecal density along the stipes. Taxonomic characteristics of A. cf. tenellus reported from circum-Pacific area are compared with each other. The paleogeographic distribution of A. tenellus seems to be restricted within Europe, while that of A. brevibrachiatus within circum-Pacific area.

  • Cho, Hyun-Su(Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • Kim, Jeong-Yul(Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education) | Kim, Jeong-Yul