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Anti-proliferative and Apoptosis Inducing Activity of Lactobacillus brevis OPK-3 Isolated from Kimchi on Leukemia Cell Lines KCI 등재후보

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/306538
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Current Topic in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics (한국유산균·프로바이오틱스학회지)
한국유산균·프로바이오틱스학회 (Korean Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics)

In the present work we investigated the effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from kimchi on prolifera-tion and apoptosis of cancer cells. The cell-free supernatant concentrate of Lactobacillus brevis OPK-3 significantly retar-ded the proliferation of human acute promyelocytic (HL60), human histiocytic (U937), and mouse lymphocytic (L1210)leukemia cell lines in vitro at concentrations over 2.25-9.0 mg/mL. The treatments of the concentrate leaded to the increasedapoptosis and decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential in cultured U937 leukemia cell lines. In addition, the treat-ments of the concentrate showed the increased expression of p53 gene in cultured U937 and HL60 leukemia cell lines. Onthe other hand, the cell-free supernatant concentrate of control L. brevis strain (KCCM 41028) showed a relatively littleeffect on the cancer cell proliferation, apoptosis, and mitochondrial transmembrane potential at the similar concentrationranges compared with the L. brevis OPK-3 samples. These results suggest that the consumption of L. brevis OPK-3 could bebeneficial for the inhibitory action on leukemia cell proliferation and for the stimulatory action on the cancer cell apoptosis.

 Materials and Methods
  Cell culture
  Bacterial strain and materials
  Analysis of GABA
  Effects of the LAB culture supernatants on theproliferation of leukemia cells
  Effect of the LAB culture supernatants on the apoptosisof U937 cells in vitro
  Effect of the LAB culture supernatants on the mitochondrialtransmembrane potential of U937 leukemiacells
  Effect of the LAB culture supernatants on p53 geneexpression in U937 and HL60 cells
  Statistical analysis
  • Ki-Bum Park(1Department of Food & Biotechnology, Woosuk University, Jeonju 565-701, Korea,2Research and Development center, DAYOU WINIA Co., Ltd., Asan 336-843, Korea)
  • Chan-Ho Oh(Department of Food & Biotechnology, Woosuk University, Jeonju 565-701, Korea)
  • Suk-Heung Oh(Department of Food & Biotechnology, Woosuk University, Jeonju 565-701, Korea) Corresponding author