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Perceived Employment Instability Effect on Psychological Well-being and Job Satisfaction: Resilience and Character Strength as Mediator KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/309013
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한국유통과학회 (Korea Distribution Science Association)

Purpose – This study intended to identify how resilience and character strength among employees are influenced by employment instability and the negative impact it could have on job satisfaction and psychological wellbeing.
Research design, data, and methodology – This study hypothesizes
that employment instability will have a negative effect
on resilience and character strength, but resilience and character
strength will have a positive effect on job satisfaction and
psychological wellbeing. A total of 150 valid questionnaires were
collected and utilized for analysis.
Results – Employment instability was found to have a negative impact not only on job satisfaction and psychological wellbeing but also on employee resilience and character strength.
Conclusion – The results suggest that along with the necessity for a strategic approach at the corporate level, enterprises should also acknowledge employee failures and support them in job situations. They should create a positive work environment and a structure of empowerment, interesting jobs, and a positive organizational culture to build various systems and the ability to enhance self-esteem and stamina in order to reinforce character strength.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Model and Hypotheses
4. Methodologies
5. Empirical Analysis
6. Discussion and Limitations
  • Hoe-Chang Yang(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Distribution management, Jangan University)
  • Il-Suck Sun(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Logistics management, Jangan University)
  • Soo-Hong Park(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Franchise Business Management, Jangan University) Corresponding Author