기존의 타이머제어법과 일사량제어법 (ISR), 수분장력이나 수분함량센서를 사용하는 방법이 아닌 새로 운 저가 정밀 급액관리법을 개발하고자 수행하였다. 본 논문은 배액전극제어법 (집액용기 안의 배액 높이 에 따라 설정된 센서에 의해 급액)의 급액제어 기술을 개발하여 경제성과 환경문제를 고려할 수 있는 효 율적인 급액관리 시작기를 개발하고자 하였다. 제작된 고형배지경 급액관리기 시작기의 특징은 재배틀과 수위센서 및 간단한 제어반에 의해 구성되어지며 암면, 펄라이트, 피트, 코이어 등 모든 고형배지경 수경 재배에 적용할 수 있다. 장점은 저렴하고 제어원리가 간단하며 식물체와 직접적으로 연계되어 있어서 배 지의 수분관리에 최적이며 유지보수가 용이하다는 점이다. 기계의 구성은 센서가 총 4개이며 4군데의 서 로 다른 구역을 정하여 급액 제어할 수 있다. 센서의 형태는 2접점의 간단한 수위센서 이며 외부 배액수 위에 의한 On/Off 접점식이다. 급액단계를 3단계로 나누어 급액시간과 량을 조정할 수 있다.
This experiment was carried out to commercialize an irrigation control system by finding out problems and solving them in application of a nutrient supply system through this experiment. Its efficiency had been tested through hydroponic cultivation of tomato and cucumber using this system in the farmer's plastic house (1-2W, 20a : Yanggyo-ri, Oseong-myeon Gyeonggi-do) from November. 2006, too. In the first cultivation, tomato seeds (cultivar Coco, Takii Seed Co. Japan) were sowed on November 8, 2006, and transplanted on January 8, 2007. and then, in the second, cucumber (Chuichong, Nongwoo Seed Co.) were cultivated in the same plastic house (sowing date : June 27, transplanting date : July 13). In the third, another cucumber cultivar (Jo-woon, Dongbu-hannong Seed Co.) were cultivated (sowing date : September 5, transplanting date : September 23). All of seedlings were transplanted on perlite bag (W 340 × L 1,200 × H 150 mm, 40L). By using this system, 971 boxes (5 kg/box) of tomato were produced and sold, and then total income was 5,466 thousand won per 10a. On the second cultivation, total amount of cucumber production was 489 boxes (50 ea/box), and total income was 7,380 thousand won. On the third cultivation, total amount of production was 67 boxes (100 ea/box), and total income was 1,854 thousand won. On the other hand, this system saved irrigated water by 50% (4,000 → 2,000 L/10a/day) in tomato cultivation, and by 44%(4,500 → 2,500 L/10a/day) in cucumber cultivation. It also saved cost of nutrients by 50% in tomato (1,648 → 824 thousand won /10a), and 44% in cucumber (1,648 → 725 thousand won/10a). Furthermore this irrigation system maintained moisture content in perlite bag stable during cultivation period. Therefore, this system was successfully applied on farmer's greenhouse without a problem and can be commercialized for farmers.